User Selections on Social Network Applications

MSN used to be the most popular application for
communicating among social networks, but Facebook chat is now the
most popular. Facebook and MSN have similar characteristics,
including usefulness, ease-of-use, and a similar function, which is the
exchanging of information with friends. Facebook outperforms MSN
in both of these areas. However, the adoption of Facebook and
abandonment of MSN have occurred for other reasons. Functions can
be improved, but users’ willingness to use does not just depend on
functionality. Flow status has been established to be crucial to users’
adoption of cyber applications and to affects users’ adoption of
software applications. If users experience flow in using software
application, they will enjoy using it frequently, and even change their
preferred application from an old to this new one. However, no
investigation has examined choice behavior related to switching from
Facebook to MSN based on a consideration of flow experiences and
functions. This investigation discusses the flow experiences and
functions of social-networking applications. Flow experience is found
to affect perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness; perceived
ease of use influences information ex-change with friends, and
perceived usefulness; information exchange influences perceived
usefulness, but information exchange has no effect on flow


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