“Turkestan Autonomy“ - Legitimate Power of Turkestan

In this article, by means of examination of Bolshevists Turkistanskie Vedomosti" newspaper and “Erikti Oylar Organi" and “Turkistanskyi Vestnik" newspapers which had been published during 1917-1918, the fact that “Turkistan Governorship" established in city of Kokand in November of 1917, within the framework of former tsarist Russia Turkistan general-governorship, was the legal government formed as a requisition of people of Turkistan was proved. An examination of these two newspapers providing information regarding history of “Turkistan Autonomy" but having opposite to each other views makes it possible to obtain valuable data concerning history of autonomy which was inappropriately misrepresented during Soviet period.

[1] " Turkestan Bulletin", 1917 No.21, 9th of December.
[2] Turkestan autonomy. // Turkestan Bulletin, 1917 No.15, 1st of
[3] Turkestan autonomy. // Turkestan Bulletin, 1917 No.15, 1st of
[4] Turkestan autonomy. // Turkestan Bulletin, 1917 No.15, 1st of
[5] Turkestan autonomy. // Turkestan Bulletin, 1917 No.15, 1st of
[6] Appeal // Turkestan Bulletin, 1917 No.18, 5th of December.
[7] Appeal // Turkestan Bulletin, 1917 No.18, 5th of December.
[8] Turkestan Bulletin, 1917 No.20, 8th of December.
[9] Turkestan Bulletin, 1917 No.20, 8th of December.
[10] About the Turkestan Autonomy // Turkestan Gazette, 1917 No.185, 2nd
of December.
[11] Who are Muslims with? // Turkestan Gazette, 1917 No.186, 3rd of
[12] Y. Poslavsky. The will of Turkestan for self-definition. // Turkestan
Bulletin, 1917 No.19, 6th of December.