The Urban Expansion Characterization of the Bir El Djir Municipality Using Remote Sensing and GIS

Bir El Djir is an important coastal township in Oran
department, located at 450 Km far away from Algiers on northwest of
Algeria. In this coastal area, the urban sprawl is one of the main
problems that reduce the limited highly fertile land. So, using the
remote sensing and GIS technologies have shown their great
capabilities to solve many earth resources issues.
The aim of this study is to produce land use and cover map for the
studied area at varied periods to monitor possible changes that may
occurred, particularly in the urban areas and subsequently predict
likely changes. For this, two spatial images SPOT and Landsat
satellites from 1987 and 2014 respectively were used to assess the
changes of urban expansion and encroachment during this period
with photo-interpretation and GIS approach.
The results revealed that the town of Bir El Djir has shown a
highest growth rate in the period 1987-2014 which is 1201.5 hectares
in terms of area. These expansions largely concern the new real estate
constructions falling within the social and promotional housing
programs launched by the government.
The most urban expansion is characterized by the new
construction in the form of spontaneous or peripheral precarious
habitat, but also unstructured slums settled especially in the
southeastern part of town.

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