The Academic Achievement of Writing via Project-Based Learning

This paper focuses on the use of project work as a
pretext for applying the conventions of writing, or the correctness of
mechanics, usage, and sentence formation, in a content-based class in
a Rajabhat University. Its aim was to explore to what extent the
student teachers’ academic achievement of the basic writing features
against the 70% attainment target after the use of project is. The
organization of work around an agreed theme in which the students
reproduce language provided by texts and instructors is expected to
enhance students’ correct writing conventions. The sample of the
study comprised of 38 fourth-year English major students. The data
was collected by means of achievement test and student writing
works. The scores in the summative achievement test were analyzed
by mean score, standard deviation, and percentage. It was found that
the student teachers do more achieve of practicing mechanics and
usage, and less in sentence formation. The students benefited from
the exposure to texts during conducting the project; however, their
automaticity of how and when to form phrases and clauses into
simple/complex sentences had room for improvement.

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