Spatial Data Mining by Decision Trees

Existing methods of data mining cannot be applied on
spatial data because they require spatial specificity consideration, as
spatial relationships.
This paper focuses on the classification with decision trees, which
are one of the data mining techniques. We propose an extension of
the C4.5 algorithm for spatial data, based on two different approaches
Join materialization and Querying on the fly the different tables.
Similar works have been done on these two main approaches, the
first - Join materialization - favors the processing time in spite of
memory space, whereas the second - Querying on the fly different
tables- promotes memory space despite of the processing time.
The modified C4.5 algorithm requires three entries tables: a target
table, a neighbor table, and a spatial index join that contains the
possible spatial relationship among the objects in the target table and
those in the neighbor table. Thus, the proposed algorithms are applied
to a spatial data pattern in the accidentology domain.
A comparative study of our approach with other works of
classification by spatial decision trees will be detailed.

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