The purpose of this article is to introduce an advanced
system for the support of processing of medical image information,
and the terminology related to this system, which can be an important
element to a faster transition to a fully digitalized hospital.
The core of the system is a set of DICOM compliant applications
running over a dedicated computer network. The whole integrated
system creates a collaborative platform supporting daily routines in
the radiology community, developing communication channels,
supporting the exchange of information and special consultations
among various medical institutions as well as supporting medical
training for practicing radiologists and medical students. It gives the
users outside of hospitals the tools to work in almost the same
conditions as in the radiology departments.
[1] American Medical Informatics Association. Available:
[2] Association of Telehealth Service Providers. Available:
[3] Bellon, E.; Feron, M. et al. Incorporating novel image processing
methods in a hospital-wide PACS. In Proceedings of the19th
International Conference of CARS 2005. Berlin: CARS, 2005,
pp. 1016-1021.
[4] Brinkmann, L.; Klein, A.; Glanslandt, T.; Uckert, F. Implementing
a data safety and protection concept for a web-based exchange of
variable medical image data. In Proceedings of the19th International
Conference of CARS 2005. Berlin: CARS, 2005, pp. 191-195.
[5] Clunie, D., A. DICOM Structured Reporting. Bangor, Pennsylvania:
PixelMed Publishing, 2000. Available:
[6] DICOM Standard. Available: <>.
[7] Dostal, O., Javornik, M., Slavicek, K. MeDiMed - Regional Centre for
Archiving and Interhospital Exchange of Medicine Multimedia Data.
Scottsdale, USA: International Association of Science and Technology
for Development, 2003, pp.609-614.
[8] European Federation for Medical Informatics. Available:
[9] European Health Telematics Association. Available:
[10] Health and Science Communication Association. Available:
[11] Healthcare Information and Management System Society. Available:
[12] HL7 Standard. Health Level Seven, Inc. Available:
[13] Huang, H., K. PACS and Imaging Informatics. USA: John Wiley &
Sons, 2004.
[14] ICD - International Classification of Diseases. Available:
[15] IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise. Available:
<, >.
[16] IMIA - International Medical Informatics Association. Available:
[17] International Society for Telemedicine. Available:
[18] LOINC - Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes. LOINC
Standard. Available: <>.
[19] MIRC - Medical Imaging Resource Center. Available:
[20] Munch, H.; Engelmann, U. et al. A secure software architecture for
collecting and processing medical image data in centers of excellence.
In Proceedings of the19th International Conference of CARS 2005.
Berlin: CARS, 2005, pp. 938-942.
[21] RadLex - Lexicon for Uniform Indexing and Retrieval of Radiology
Information Resources. Available: <>.
[22] SNOMED - Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine. SNOMED
Standard. Available: <>.
[23] Telemedicine Alliance, Towards Interoperable eHealth for Europe:
Telemedicine Alliance Strategy. Noordwijk: ESA Publications, 2005.
[1] American Medical Informatics Association. Available:
[2] Association of Telehealth Service Providers. Available:
[3] Bellon, E.; Feron, M. et al. Incorporating novel image processing
methods in a hospital-wide PACS. In Proceedings of the19th
International Conference of CARS 2005. Berlin: CARS, 2005,
pp. 1016-1021.
[4] Brinkmann, L.; Klein, A.; Glanslandt, T.; Uckert, F. Implementing
a data safety and protection concept for a web-based exchange of
variable medical image data. In Proceedings of the19th International
Conference of CARS 2005. Berlin: CARS, 2005, pp. 191-195.
[5] Clunie, D., A. DICOM Structured Reporting. Bangor, Pennsylvania:
PixelMed Publishing, 2000. Available:
[6] DICOM Standard. Available: <>.
[7] Dostal, O., Javornik, M., Slavicek, K. MeDiMed - Regional Centre for
Archiving and Interhospital Exchange of Medicine Multimedia Data.
Scottsdale, USA: International Association of Science and Technology
for Development, 2003, pp.609-614.
[8] European Federation for Medical Informatics. Available:
[9] European Health Telematics Association. Available:
[10] Health and Science Communication Association. Available:
[11] Healthcare Information and Management System Society. Available:
[12] HL7 Standard. Health Level Seven, Inc. Available:
[13] Huang, H., K. PACS and Imaging Informatics. USA: John Wiley &
Sons, 2004.
[14] ICD - International Classification of Diseases. Available:
[15] IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise. Available:
<, >.
[16] IMIA - International Medical Informatics Association. Available:
[17] International Society for Telemedicine. Available:
[18] LOINC - Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes. LOINC
Standard. Available: <>.
[19] MIRC - Medical Imaging Resource Center. Available:
[20] Munch, H.; Engelmann, U. et al. A secure software architecture for
collecting and processing medical image data in centers of excellence.
In Proceedings of the19th International Conference of CARS 2005.
Berlin: CARS, 2005, pp. 938-942.
[21] RadLex - Lexicon for Uniform Indexing and Retrieval of Radiology
Information Resources. Available: <>.
[22] SNOMED - Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine. SNOMED
Standard. Available: <>.
[23] Telemedicine Alliance, Towards Interoperable eHealth for Europe:
Telemedicine Alliance Strategy. Noordwijk: ESA Publications, 2005.
@article{"International Journal of Information, Control and Computer Sciences:50311", author = "Michal Javornik and Otto Dostal and Karel Slavicek", title = "Regional Medical Imaging System", abstract = "The purpose of this article is to introduce an advanced
system for the support of processing of medical image information,
and the terminology related to this system, which can be an important
element to a faster transition to a fully digitalized hospital.
The core of the system is a set of DICOM compliant applications
running over a dedicated computer network. The whole integrated
system creates a collaborative platform supporting daily routines in
the radiology community, developing communication channels,
supporting the exchange of information and special consultations
among various medical institutions as well as supporting medical
training for practicing radiologists and medical students. It gives the
users outside of hospitals the tools to work in almost the same
conditions as in the radiology departments.", keywords = "DICOM, Integration, Medical Education, MedicalImaging", volume = "5", number = "7", pages = "717-5", }