Peculiarities of Comprehending the Subjective Well- Being by Student with High and Low Level of Emotional Intelligence

In this paper, the actuality of the study, and the role of
subjective well-being problem in modern psychology and the
comprehending of subjective well-being by current students is
defined. The purpose of this research is to educe peculiarities of
comprehending of subjective well-being by students with various
levels of emotional intelligence. Methods of research are adapted
Russian-Language questionnaire of K. Riff 'The scales of
psychological well-being'; emotional intelligence questionnaire of D.
V. Lusin. The research involved 72 students from different
universities and disciplines aged between 18 and 24. Analyzing the
results of the studies, it can be concluded that the understanding of
happiness in different groups of students with high and low levels of
overall emotional intelligence is different, as well as differentiated by
gender. Students with a higher level of happiness possess more
capacity and higher need to control their emotions, to cause and
maintain the desired emotions and control something undesirable.

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