Knowledge Transfer in Industrial Clusters

This paper aims at identifying and analyzing the
knowledge transmission channels in textile and clothing clusters
located in Brazil and in Europe. Primary data was obtained through
interviews with key individuals. The collection of primary data was
carried out based on a questionnaire with ten categories of indicators
of knowledge transmission. Secondary data was also collected
through a literature review and through international organizations
sites. Similarities related to the use of the main transmission channels
of knowledge are observed in all cases. The main similarities are:
influence of suppliers of machinery, equipment and raw materials;
imitation of products and best practices; training promoted by
technical institutions and businesses; and cluster companies being
open to acquire new knowledge. The main differences lie in the
relationship between companies, where in Europe the intensity of this
relationship is bigger when compared to Brazil. The differences also
occur in importance and frequency of the relationship with the
government, with the cultural environment, and with the activities of
research and development. It is also found factors that reduce the
importance of geographical proximity in transmission of knowledge,
and in generating trust and the establishment of collaborative

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