Improving Automotive Efficiency through Lean Management Tools: A Case Study

Managing and improving efficiency in the current
highly competitive global automotive industry demands that those
companies adopt leaner and more flexible systems. During the past
20 years the domestic automotive industry in North America has been
focusing on establishing new management strategies in order to meet
market demands. The lean management process also known as
Toyota Manufacturing Process (TPS) or lean manufacturing
encompasses tools and techniques that were established in order to
provide the best quality product with the fastest lead time at the
lowest cost. The following paper presents a study that focused on
improving labor efficiency at one of the Big Three (Ford, GM,
Chrysler LLC) domestic automotive facility in North America. The
objective of the study was to utilize several lean management tools in
order to optimize the efficiency and utilization levels at the “Pre-
Marriage” chassis area in a truck manufacturing and assembly
facility. Utilizing three different lean tools (i.e. Standardization of
work, 7 Wastes, and 5S) this research was able to improve efficiency
by 51%, utilization by 246%, and reduce operations by 14%. The
return on investment calculated based on the improvements made
was 284%.

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