Identity Negotiation of the Black African Diaspora through Discourse with Singaporeans
The African Diaspora in Singapore (and larger Asia)
is a topic that has received little scholarly attention and research. This
exploratory study will analyze the changing identity of Africans
throughout the process of cultural adaptation in Singapore. For the
focus of this study, “black Africans" will be defined as any black
Africans from sub-Saharan Africa who have lived in Singapore for at
least six months. The dialectic relationship between Singaporean
conceptions of black African identity and African self-consciousness
will be analyzed from the perspective of black Africans so as to
evaluate the impact of intercultural discourse on the evolution of the
African identity in Singapore.
[1] Singapore Department of Statistics, "Key annual indicators."
[2] E. F. Pang, "Absorbing temporary foreign workers: the experience of
Singapore," Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, vol. 1, nos. 3-4. pp.
495-509, 1992.
[3] UNESCO, "Migration issues in the Asia Pacific", Issues paper from
Singapore. Asia Pacific Migration Research Network, 2003.
[4] S.A. Yeoh, "Singapore: hungry for foreign workers at all skill levels",
Migration Information Source, 2007.
[5] R.O. Collins, "The African slave trade to Asia and the Indian Ocean
islands", African and Asian Studies, vol. 5, pp. 325-346, 2006.
[6] G. Campbell, "The African-Asian diaspora: myth or reality," African
and Asian Studies, vol. 5, pp. 305-324, 2006.
[7] D.S. Jayasuriya, "Identifying Africans in Asia: what's in a name,"
African and Asian Studies, vol. 5, pp. 275-303, 2006.
[8] S. Hainsworth, "Gramsci's hegemony theory and the ideological role of
the mass media, 1971.
[9] Hine & McLeod, Wright, Ackah, in T. Adeleke. "Historical problematic
of Afrocentric consciousness," The Western Journal of Black Studies,
[10] A. Mazrui in T. Adeleke, "Historical problematic of Afrocentric
consciousness," The Western Journal of Black Studies, 2005.
[11] K. Koser, ed. New African Diasporas, London: Routledge, p.10, 2003
[12] P.D. Curtin, Migration and mortality in Africa and the Atlantic world,
1700- 1900, Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2001.
[13] V.Y. Mudimbe, The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy, and the
Order of Knowledge (African Systems of Thought), Indiana University
Press, p.56, 1988.
[14] D.W. Nabudere, Globalization, Communication and Governance. Paper
prepared for an international conference on communication organized
by the faculty of arts in conjunction with the main library of Makerere
University, Kampala, 27 - 29 October, 1999.
[15] P. Ahluwalia, A. Zegeya, Between black and white: rethinking coloured
identity. African Identities, 1:2, pp. 253-280, 2003.
[16] U. Hannerz, Cosmopolitans and Locals in a World Culture. Theory,
Culture and Society, p. 240, 1990.
[17] C.J. Thompson, S.K. Tambyah, "Trying to be cosmopolitan," The
Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 26, no. 3. pp. 214-241, 1999.
[18] D. Carbaugh, Situating Selves: The Communication of Social Identities
in American Scenes, Albany: State University of New York, p.23, 1996.
[19] M.J. Collier, Cultural and intercultural communication competence:
Current approaches and directions for future research, 1989. In W.
Shahid, Intercultural Communication in the Medical Care Sector.
Published in Culture, development and communication. CNWS,
[20] N. M. Sussman, The dynamic nature of cultural identity throughout
cultural transitions: Why home is not so sweet. Personality and Social
Psychology Review, vol. 4, p. 363, 2000.
[21] D.A. Jameson, "Reconceptualizing cultural identity and its role in
intercultural business communication," The Journal of Business
Communication, 2007.
[22] F.W. Rudmin, Catalogue of acculturation constructs: Descriptions of
126 taxonomies, 1918-2003. In W. J. Lonner, D. L. Dinnel, S. A. Hayes,
& D. N. Sattler (Eds.), Online Readings in Psychology and Culture
(Unit 8, Chapter 8), (, Center for Cross-
Cultural Research, Western Washington University, Bellingham,
Washington USA.
[23] P. Gilroy, Small Acts: Thoughts on the Politics of Black Cultures,
Serpent's Tail. New York, NY, p.133, 1993.
[24] P. Gilroy, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness.
Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.31, 1993.
[25] M.M. Wright, Becoming Black: Creating Identity in the African
Diaspora. Duke University Press USA, 2004.
[26] T. Adeleke, "Historical problematic of Afrocentric consciousness. The
Western Journal of Black Studies, 2005.
[27] Singapore Government Press Release. Prime Minister Lee Hsien
Loong-s National Day Rally 2004 Speech. Ministry of Information,
Communications and the Arts.
[28] C.K. Ho, Little Africa... in little India; Africans who gather regularly in
Sam Leong Road are causing unhappiness in the neighbourhood. The
Straits Times, 29 January 2006.
[29] C. Beng-Huat, Racial-Singaporeans: Absence after the Hyphen.
Social Scientist, vol. 24, no. 7/8, 1996.
[30] P. Boylan, Cross-cultural Accommodation through a Transformation of
Consciousness. SIETAR-UK conference, South Bank University,
London, 9-10 February 2001, Globalisation, foreign languages and
intercultural learning. K. Koch & T.Muggin (eds.)
[31] A. Ram, Memory, cinema, and the reconstitution of cultural identities in
the Asian Indian Diaspora. Communicating ethnic & cultural identity.
Edited by Mary Fong e Rueyling Chuang, p. 130, 2004. Lanham;
Boulder; New York; Toronto; Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
[1] Singapore Department of Statistics, "Key annual indicators."
[2] E. F. Pang, "Absorbing temporary foreign workers: the experience of
Singapore," Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, vol. 1, nos. 3-4. pp.
495-509, 1992.
[3] UNESCO, "Migration issues in the Asia Pacific", Issues paper from
Singapore. Asia Pacific Migration Research Network, 2003.
[4] S.A. Yeoh, "Singapore: hungry for foreign workers at all skill levels",
Migration Information Source, 2007.
[5] R.O. Collins, "The African slave trade to Asia and the Indian Ocean
islands", African and Asian Studies, vol. 5, pp. 325-346, 2006.
[6] G. Campbell, "The African-Asian diaspora: myth or reality," African
and Asian Studies, vol. 5, pp. 305-324, 2006.
[7] D.S. Jayasuriya, "Identifying Africans in Asia: what's in a name,"
African and Asian Studies, vol. 5, pp. 275-303, 2006.
[8] S. Hainsworth, "Gramsci's hegemony theory and the ideological role of
the mass media, 1971.
[9] Hine & McLeod, Wright, Ackah, in T. Adeleke. "Historical problematic
of Afrocentric consciousness," The Western Journal of Black Studies,
[10] A. Mazrui in T. Adeleke, "Historical problematic of Afrocentric
consciousness," The Western Journal of Black Studies, 2005.
[11] K. Koser, ed. New African Diasporas, London: Routledge, p.10, 2003
[12] P.D. Curtin, Migration and mortality in Africa and the Atlantic world,
1700- 1900, Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2001.
[13] V.Y. Mudimbe, The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy, and the
Order of Knowledge (African Systems of Thought), Indiana University
Press, p.56, 1988.
[14] D.W. Nabudere, Globalization, Communication and Governance. Paper
prepared for an international conference on communication organized
by the faculty of arts in conjunction with the main library of Makerere
University, Kampala, 27 - 29 October, 1999.
[15] P. Ahluwalia, A. Zegeya, Between black and white: rethinking coloured
identity. African Identities, 1:2, pp. 253-280, 2003.
[16] U. Hannerz, Cosmopolitans and Locals in a World Culture. Theory,
Culture and Society, p. 240, 1990.
[17] C.J. Thompson, S.K. Tambyah, "Trying to be cosmopolitan," The
Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 26, no. 3. pp. 214-241, 1999.
[18] D. Carbaugh, Situating Selves: The Communication of Social Identities
in American Scenes, Albany: State University of New York, p.23, 1996.
[19] M.J. Collier, Cultural and intercultural communication competence:
Current approaches and directions for future research, 1989. In W.
Shahid, Intercultural Communication in the Medical Care Sector.
Published in Culture, development and communication. CNWS,
[20] N. M. Sussman, The dynamic nature of cultural identity throughout
cultural transitions: Why home is not so sweet. Personality and Social
Psychology Review, vol. 4, p. 363, 2000.
[21] D.A. Jameson, "Reconceptualizing cultural identity and its role in
intercultural business communication," The Journal of Business
Communication, 2007.
[22] F.W. Rudmin, Catalogue of acculturation constructs: Descriptions of
126 taxonomies, 1918-2003. In W. J. Lonner, D. L. Dinnel, S. A. Hayes,
& D. N. Sattler (Eds.), Online Readings in Psychology and Culture
(Unit 8, Chapter 8), (, Center for Cross-
Cultural Research, Western Washington University, Bellingham,
Washington USA.
[23] P. Gilroy, Small Acts: Thoughts on the Politics of Black Cultures,
Serpent's Tail. New York, NY, p.133, 1993.
[24] P. Gilroy, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness.
Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.31, 1993.
[25] M.M. Wright, Becoming Black: Creating Identity in the African
Diaspora. Duke University Press USA, 2004.
[26] T. Adeleke, "Historical problematic of Afrocentric consciousness. The
Western Journal of Black Studies, 2005.
[27] Singapore Government Press Release. Prime Minister Lee Hsien
Loong-s National Day Rally 2004 Speech. Ministry of Information,
Communications and the Arts.
[28] C.K. Ho, Little Africa... in little India; Africans who gather regularly in
Sam Leong Road are causing unhappiness in the neighbourhood. The
Straits Times, 29 January 2006.
[29] C. Beng-Huat, Racial-Singaporeans: Absence after the Hyphen.
Social Scientist, vol. 24, no. 7/8, 1996.
[30] P. Boylan, Cross-cultural Accommodation through a Transformation of
Consciousness. SIETAR-UK conference, South Bank University,
London, 9-10 February 2001, Globalisation, foreign languages and
intercultural learning. K. Koch & T.Muggin (eds.)
[31] A. Ram, Memory, cinema, and the reconstitution of cultural identities in
the Asian Indian Diaspora. Communicating ethnic & cultural identity.
Edited by Mary Fong e Rueyling Chuang, p. 130, 2004. Lanham;
Boulder; New York; Toronto; Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
@article{"International Journal of Business, Human and Social Sciences:63694", author = "Sri Ranjini Mei Hua and Vivian Hsueh-hua Chen", title = "Identity Negotiation of the Black African Diaspora through Discourse with Singaporeans", abstract = "The African Diaspora in Singapore (and larger Asia)
is a topic that has received little scholarly attention and research. This
exploratory study will analyze the changing identity of Africans
throughout the process of cultural adaptation in Singapore. For the
focus of this study, “black Africans" will be defined as any black
Africans from sub-Saharan Africa who have lived in Singapore for at
least six months. The dialectic relationship between Singaporean
conceptions of black African identity and African self-consciousness
will be analyzed from the perspective of black Africans so as to
evaluate the impact of intercultural discourse on the evolution of the
African identity in Singapore.", keywords = "African, Diaspora, identity negotiation, interculturalcommunication", volume = "4", number = "6", pages = "1475-7", }