Holomorphic Prioritization of Sets within Decagram of Strategic Decision Making of POSM Using Operational Research (OR): Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Analysis

There is decagram of strategic decisions of operations
and production/service management (POSM) within operational
research (OR) which must collate, namely: design, inventory, quality,
location, process and capacity, layout, scheduling, maintain ace, and
supply chain. This paper presents an architectural configuration
conceptual framework of a decagram of sets decisions in a form of
mathematical complete graph and abelian graph.
Mathematically, a complete graph is undirected (UDG), and
directed (DG) a relationship where every pair of vertices is
connected, collated, confluent, and holomorphic.
There has not been any study conducted which, however,
prioritizes the holomorphic sets which of POMS within OR field of
study. The study utilizes OR structured technique known as The
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis for organizing, sorting
and prioritizing(ranking) the sets within the decagram of POMS
according to their attribution (propensity), and provides an analysis
how the prioritization has real-world application within the 21st

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