Evaluation of Robust Feature Descriptors for Texture Classification

Texture is an important characteristic in real and
synthetic scenes. Texture analysis plays a critical role in inspecting
surfaces and provides important techniques in a variety of
applications. Although several descriptors have been presented to
extract texture features, the development of object recognition is still a
difficult task due to the complex aspects of texture. Recently, many
robust and scaling-invariant image features such as SIFT, SURF and
ORB have been successfully used in image retrieval and object
recognition. In this paper, we have tried to compare the performance
for texture classification using these feature descriptors with k-means
clustering. Different classifiers including K-NN, Naive Bayes, Back
Propagation Neural Network , Decision Tree and Kstar were applied in
three texture image sets - UIUCTex, KTH-TIPS and Brodatz,
respectively. Experimental results reveal SIFTS as the best average
accuracy rate holder in UIUCTex, KTH-TIPS and SURF is
advantaged in Brodatz texture set. BP neuro network works best in the
test set classification among all used classifiers.

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