Effective Charge Coupling in Low Dimensional Doped Quantum Antiferromagnets

The interaction between the charge degrees of freedom
for itinerant antiferromagnets is investigated in terms of generalized
charge stiffness constant corresponding to nearest neighbour t-J
model and t1-t2-t3-J model. The low dimensional hole doped
antiferromagnets are the well known systems that can be described
by the t-J-like models. Accordingly, we have used these models
to investigate the fermionic pairing possibilities and the coupling
between the itinerant charge degrees of freedom. A detailed
comparison between spin and charge couplings highlights that
the charge and spin couplings show very similar behaviour in
the over-doped region, whereas, they show completely different
trends in the lower doping regimes. Moreover, a qualitative
equivalence between generalized charge stiffness and effective
Coulomb interaction is also established based on the comparisons
with other theoretical and experimental results. Thus it is obvious
that the enhanced possibility of fermionic pairing is inherent
in the reduction of Coulomb repulsion with increase in doping
concentration. However, the increased possibility can not give rise to
pairing without the presence of any other pair producing mechanism
outside the t-J model. Therefore, one can conclude that the t-J-like
models themselves solely are not capable of producing conventional
momentum-based superconducting pairing on their own.

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