Education and Assessment of Civil Employees in e-Government: The Case of a Moodle Based Platform

One of the most important factors for the success of e-government is training and preparing the workforce of the public sector. As changes and innovation in the public sector progress at a very slow pace and more slowly than in the private sector, issues related to human resources require special care. This is because the workforce will eventually seize the opportunities of the technological solutions used in e-Government. Thus, the central administration should provide employees with continuous and focused training not only on new technologies but also on a wide range of subjects and also improve interdepartmental interaction.

To achieve all this, new methods and training tools need to be implemented in addition to assessment of the employees. In this spirit, we propose the development of an educational platform with user personalization features. We propose the development of this platform using Moodle as the basic tool. Incorporating a personalization mechanism is very important since different employees have different backgrounds, education levels, computer skills, or different capability to develop further. Key features of the proposed platform include, besides typical e-learning tools, communities organized in order to exchange experiences and knowledge, groups of users based on certain criteria, automatic evaluation of users and potential self-education and self-assessment. In its fully developed form, this platform can be part of a more comprehensive knowledge management system for the public sector.

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[5] Stephen Braim, &ldquo;International Workshop on Improving E-Learning Policies and Programs&rdquo;, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Lecture Series, &Iota;&Beta;&Mu; Asia Pasific, 9-13/8/2004, Manila
[6] Sike Palkovots, Jose Maria Lorente, Dimitris Karagiannis &ldquo;e- Learning and e-Government-An Approach for Process-based training and Learning in the Public Administration&rdquo;,
[7] Moodle Pty Ltd official site :
[8] Management Organisation Unit Of Development Programmes, &ldquo;E-learning newsletter&rdquo;, 4/2010, NewsItemFullPage.aspx?newsitem-id=199&amp;newsletter-id=55</p>

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