Adversarial Disentanglement Using Latent Classifier for Pose-Independent Representation

The large pose discrepancy is one of the critical
challenges in face recognition during video surveillance. Due to
the entanglement of pose attributes with identity information, the
conventional approaches for pose-independent representation lack
in providing quality results in recognizing largely posed faces. In
this paper, we propose a practical approach to disentangle the pose
attribute from the identity information followed by synthesis of a face
using a classifier network in latent space. The proposed approach
employs a modified generative adversarial network framework
consisting of an encoder-decoder structure embedded with a classifier
in manifold space for carrying out factorization on the latent
encoding. It can be further generalized to other face and non-face
attributes for real-life video frames containing faces with significant
attribute variations. Experimental results and comparison with state
of the art in the field prove that the learned representation of the
proposed approach synthesizes more compelling perceptual images
through a combination of adversarial and classification losses.

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