Adopted Method of Information System Strategy for Knowledge Management System: A Literature Review

Bureaucracy reform program drives Indonesian
government to change their management to enhance their
organizational performance. Information technology became one of
strategic plan that organization tried to improve. Knowledge
management system is one of information system that supporting
knowledge management implementation in government which
categorized as people perspective, because this system has high
dependency in human interaction and participation. Strategic plan for
developing knowledge management system can be determine using
some of information system strategic methods. This research
conducted to define type of strategic method of information system,
stage of activity each method, strength and weakness. Literature
review methods used to identify and classify strategic methods of
information system, differentiate method type, categorize common
activities, strength and weakness. Result of this research are
determine and compare six strategic information system methods,
Balanced Scorecard and Risk Analysis believe as common strategic
method that usually used and have the highest excellence strength.

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