Adhesion Strength Evaluation Methods in Thermally Sprayed Coatings
The techniques for estimating the adhesive and cohesive strength in high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) thermal spray coatings have been discussed and compared. The development trend and the last investigation have been studied. We will focus on benefits and limitations of these methods in different process and materials.
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[1] U. Erning, M. Nestler, Proceedings of United Thermal Spray
Conference (UTSC 99). D├╝sseldorf, March 1999, p. 462.
[2] T. Sahraoui, S. Guessasma, N.E. Fenineche, G. Montavon, C. Coddet,
Materials Letters 58 (2004) 654.
[3] Y. Qiao, Y.R. Liu, T.E. Fischer, Sliding and abrasive wear resistance of
thermalsprayed WC-Co coatings, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
10 (2001) 118- 125.
[4] T. Sahraoui, S. Guessasma, N.E. Fenineche, G. Montavon, C.
Coddet,Materials Letters 58 (2004) 654-660.
[5] R.J.K. Wood, B.G. Mellor, M.L. Binfield, Wear 211 (1997) 70-83.
[6] T.W. Clyne and S.C. Gill, Residual Stresses in Thermal Spray
Coatings and Their Effect on Interfacial Adhesion: a Review of Recent
Work, J. Therm. Spray Tech., 1996, 4, p 401-409.
[7] R. McPherson, Thin Solid Films 83 (1981) 297.
[8] H. Weiss, Surf. Coat. Technol. 71 (1995) 201.
[9] V.V. Sobolev, J.M. Guilemany, J. Nutting, in: C.C. Berndt (Ed.),
Therm. Spray: A United Forum for Scientific and Technology
Advances, Indianapolis, Indiana, 15-18 September, 1997,
ASMInternational, Materials Park, USA, 1997, p. 797.
[10] L. Li, X.Y. Wang, G. Wei, A. Vaidya, H. Zhang, S. Sampath, Thin
Solid Films 468 (2004) 113.
[11] K.A. Khor, H. Li, P. Cheang, Biomaterials 25 (2004) 1177.
[12] Chen Hua, Yi Maozhong, Xu Kewei et al. Bonding strengths of PCVD
films under cyclic loading (J). Surface and Coatings Technology, 1995,
74(1-3): 253-258.
[13] Weiss H. Adhesion of advanced overly coatings: Mechanisms and
quantitative assessment (J). Surface and Coatings Technology, 1995,
71(2): 201-207.
[14] Laugier M T. Adhesion and toughness of protective coatings (J).
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A ( Vacuum, Surfaces
and Films), 1987, 5(1): 67-69.
[15] Jindal P C, Quinto D T , Wolfe G J. Adhesion measurements of
chemically vapor deposited and physically vapor deposited hard
coatings on WC-Co substrates (J). Thin Solid Films, 1987, 154(1/2):
[16] He J W, Xu K W, Hu N S. Evaluation of interfacial bonding strength of
films (J). Key Engineering Materials, 1998, 145-149(1): 559-566.
[17] Eaton H E, Novak R C. A study of the effects of variations in
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Surface and Coatings Technology, 1986, 27(3): 257-267.
[18] P. Benjamin and C. Weaver, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 254,163
[19] A. J. Perry, J. Valli and P. A. Steinmann, Surface Coat. Technol. 36,
559-575 (1988).
[20] C. Julia-Schmutz and H. E. Hintermann, Surface Coat. Technol. 48,l-6
[21] D. K. Das, M. P. Srivastava, S. V. Joshi and R. Sivakumar, Surface
Coat. Technol. 46, 331-345 (1991).
[22] E. Lopez, F. Beltzung and G. Zambelli, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 8,346-348
[23] F. Beltzung, G. Zambelli, E. Lopez and A. R. Nicoll, Thin Solid Films
181,407-415 (1989).
[24] C633-03. Standard Test Method for Adhesion of Cohesive Strength of
Flame-Sprayed Coatings (S). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 2003.
[25] A. Pajares, L. Wei, B.R. Lawn, N.P. Padture, C.C. Berndt, Mechanical
characterization of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings on metal substrates
by contact testing, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 208 (1996) 158-165.
[26] K.A. Khor, Y.W. Gu, C.H. Quek, P. Cheang, Plasma spraying of
functionally graded hydroxyapatite/Ti-6Al-4V coatings, Surf. Coat.
Technol. 163 (2003) 195-201.
[27] D.B. Marshall, T. Noma, A.G. Evans, A simple method for determining
elastic-modulus-to-hardness ratios using Knoop indentation
measurements, Comm. Am. Ceram. Soc. 65 (1982) C-175-C-176.
[28] A.G. Evans, E.A. Charles, Fracture toughness determination by
indentation, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 59 (1976) 371-372.
[29] J. Lesage, D. Chicot, Models for hardness and adhesion of coatings,
Surf. Eng. 15 (1999) 447-453.
[30] J. Lesage, M.H. Staia, D. Chicot, C. Godoy, P.E.V. De Miranda, Effect
of thermal treatments on adhesive properties of a NiCr thermal
sprayedcoating, Thin Solid Films 377-378 (2000) 681-686.
[31] MA Chong, Fracture Behavior Characteristic of Ceramic Reinforced
Metal-Base Coatings, Tianjin University and Springer-Verlag 2009.
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", keywords = "Adhesion, Bonding strength, Cohesion, HVOF
Thermal spray", volume = "6", number = "1", pages = "172-3", }