Active Learning Strategies and Academic Achievement among Some Psychology Undergraduates in Barbados

This study investigated the relationships between the
active learning strategies (discussion, video clips, game show, role–
play, five minute paper, clarification pauses, and small group) and
academic achievement among a sample of 158 undergraduate
psychology students in The University of the West Indies (UWI),
Barbados. Results revealed statistically significant positive
correlations between active learning strategies and students’
academic achievement; so also the active learning strategies
contributed 22% (Rsq=0.222) to the variance being accounted for in
academic achievement and this was found to be statistically
significant (F(7,150) = 6.12, p < .05). Additionally, group work
emerged as the best active learning strategy and had the highest
correlation with the students’ academic achievement. These results
were discussed in the light of the importance of the active learning
strategies promoting academic achievement among the university

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