Towards Improved Public Information on Industrial Emissions in Italy: Concepts and Specific Issues Associated to the Italian Experience in IPPC Permit Licensing

The present paper summarizes the analysis of the
request for consultation of information and data on industrial
emissions made publicly available on the web site of the Ministry of
Environment, Land and Sea on integrated pollution prevention and
control from large industrial installations, the so called “AIA Portal”.
As a matter of fact, a huge amount of information on national
industrial plants is already available on internet, although it is usually
proposed as textual documentation or images.
Thus, it is not possible to access all the relevant information
through interoperability systems and also to retrieval relevant
information for decision making purposes as well as rising of
awareness on environmental issue.
Moreover, since in Italy the number of institutional and private
subjects involved in the management of the public information on
industrial emissions is substantial, the access to the information is
provided on internet web sites according to different criteria; thus, at
present it is not structurally homogeneous and comparable.
To overcome the mentioned difficulties in the case of the
Coordinating Committee for the implementation of the Agreement
for the industrial area in Taranto and Statte, operating before the
IPPC permit granting procedures of the relevant installation located
in the area, a big effort was devoted to elaborate and to validate data
and information on characterization of soil, ground water aquifer and
coastal sea at disposal of different subjects to derive a global
perspective for decision making purposes. Thus, the present paper
also focuses on main outcomes matured during such experience.

[1] Directive 2010/75/UE of the European Parliament and of the Council of
24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution
prevention and control).
[2] UN/ECE Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public
Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in
Environmental Matters, adopted on 25th June 1998.
[3] Decreto Legislativo 3rd April 2006, n. 152 “Norme in materia
ambientale” G.U. n. 88 (14th April2006), as amended by successive acts.
[4] Directive 2007/2/EC of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for
Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE).
[5] Directive 2008/50/EC of 21st May 2008 on ambient air quality and
cleaner air for Europe.
[6] Directive 2000/60/EC of 23rd October 2000 establishing a framework for
the Community action in the field of water policy, the EU Water
Framework Directive (WFD).
[7] Directive 2014/52/EU of 16th April 2014 amending Directive
2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and
private projects on the environment (EIA).
[8] Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea web site on IPPC permit
releasing “AIA Portal”(
[9] Special Eurobarometer416 “Attitudes of European citizens towards the
environment” European Union, 2014.
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[11] Google analytics (