The System for Root Canal Length Measurement Based on Multifrequency Impedance Method

Electronic apex locators (EAL) has been widely used
clinically for measuring root canal working length with high accuracy,
which is crucial for successful endodontic treatment. In order to
maintain high accuracy in different measurement environments,
this study presented a system for root canal length measurement
based on multifrequency impedance method. This measuring system
can generate a sweep current with frequencies from 100 Hz to
1 MHz through a direct digital synthesizer. Multiple impedance
ratios with different combinations of frequencies were obtained
and transmitted by an analog-to-digital converter and several of
them with representatives will be selected after data process. The
system analyzed the functional relationship between these impedance
ratios and the distance between the file and the apex with statistics
by measuring plenty of teeth. The position of the apical foramen
can be determined by the statistical model using these impedance
ratios. The experimental results revealed that the accuracy of
the system based on multifrequency impedance ratios method to
determine the position of the apical foramen was higher than the
dual-frequency impedance ratio method. Besides that, for more
complex measurement environments, the performance of the system
was more stable.

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