The Investigation of Enzymatic Activity in the Soils under the Impact of Metallurgical Industrial Activity in Lori Marz, Armenia

Beta-glucosidase, chitinase, leucine-aminopeptidase, acid phosphomonoesterase and acetate-esterase enzyme activities in
the soils under the impact of metallurgical industrial activity in Lori
marz (district) were investigated. The results of the study showed that
the activities of the investigated enzymes in the soils decreased with increasing distance from the Shamlugh copper mine, the Chochkan
tailings storage facility and the ore transportation road. Statistical
analysis revealed that the activities of the enzymes were positively
correlated (significant) to each other according to the observation
sites which indicated that enzyme activities were affected by the
same anthropogenic factor. The investigations showed that the soils
were polluted with heavy metals (Cu, Pb, As, Co, Ni, Zn) due to
copper mining activity in this territory. The results of Pearson
correlation analysis revealed a significant negative correlation
between heavy metal pollution degree (Nemerow integrated pollution
index) and soil enzyme activity. All of this indicated that copper
mining activity in this territory causing the heavy metal pollution of
the soils resulted in the inhabitation of the activities of the enzymes
which are considered as biological catalysts to decompose organic
materials and facilitate the cycling of nutrients.

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