The Influence of Forest Management Histories on Dead Wood and Habitat Trees in the Old Growth Forest in Northern Iran

Dead wood and habitat tree such as fallen logs, snags,
stumps and cracks and loos bark etc. are regarded as an important
ecological component of forests on which many forest dwelling
species depend on presence of them within forest ecosystems.
Meanwhile its relation to management history in Caspian forest has
gone unreported. The aim of research was to compare the amounts of
dead wood and habitat trees in the forests with historically different
intensities of management, including: forests with the long term
implication of management (PS), the short term implication of
management (NS) which were compared with semi virgin forest
(GS). The number of 405 individual dead and habitat trees were
recorded and measured at 109 sampling locations. ANOVA revealed
volume of dead tree in the form and decay classes significantly differ
within sites and dead volume in the semi virgin forest significantly
higher than managed sites. Comparing the amount of dead and
habitat tree in three sites showed that, dead tree volume related with
management history and significantly differ in three study sites.
Meanwhile, frequency of habitat trees was significantly different
within sites. The highest amount of habitat trees including cavities,
cracks and loose bark and fork split trees was recorded in virgin site
and lowest recorded in the sites with the long term implication of
management. It can be concluded that forest management cause
reduction of the amount of dead and habitat tree specially in a large
size, thus managing this forest according to ecological sustainable
principles require a commitment to maintaining stand structure that
allow, continued generation of dead trees in a full range of size.


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