The Effect of Selective Cyclooxygenase (COX) Inhibitors on Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Reproduction Parameters

Our results showed that treatment with both cyclooxygenase (COX1 or COX2) inhibitors impair reproduction parameters of the medaka. Resveratrol (COX1 inhibitor) caused an decrease in the number of spawning females at the first week of feeding fish with experimental diets. In the group treated with NS- 398 (COX2 inhibitor) we found the lowest sperm velocity parameters and decreased linearity of movement. The ovaries of the medaka fed feed supplemented with Resveratrol or NS-398 were confirmed to have a lower share of matured oocytes however during the experiment (four weeks) the number of eggs spawned by females was similar. Both inhibitors in fish diet (20 mg/kg body weight/day) caused a decrease in the embryo survival. Our results revealed that for the medaka female reproduction, activity of both COX enzymes might be necessary whereas males reproduction competence, as expressed by sperm motility parameters, might be related to COX2 activity.

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