The Effect of Binahong to Hematoma

In elevating performance in competetive sports, an athlete must continously train in achieving maximum performance,but needs to pay attention to recovery therapy, that is to recover from fatigue as well as injury.The correct recovery therapy will assist in process of recovery and helps in the training in achieving better performace. Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) was proven empirically by the locals in assisting speedy recovery from an injury.Clinical research with lab animals receiving blunt trauma injury, microscopically shown signs of: 1) redness, 2) heatiness, 3) swelling and, 4) lack of activity. There is also microscopic indication of: 1) infiltration of inflame cells (migration of cells to the trauma area), 2) Cells necrosis, 3) Congestion (as a result of dead red blood cells), 4) uedema. On administration of Binahong for 3 days, there is a significant drop of 5% in cell inflammation, 2% increase of fibroblast (cell membrance) count.Conclutin: Binahong do assist in reducing cell inflammation and increase counts of cells fibroblast. Suggestion: In helping athlete's to recover from force injury, we need study about Binahong's roots to inflammation cell and healing of injuried cell.

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