Relationship between the Use of Hormonal Contraceptives and the Promotion of Changes in Hemodynamic Factors that Predispose to Cardiovascular Risk

The use of hormonal contraceptive drugs is widely used in different age groups, mainly due to easy acquisition and due to a large number of prescriptions. Besides, several studies point to the high cardiovascular risk concerning the use of hormonal contraceptives. In this study, we evaluated 620 Brazilian women to demonstrate the correlation between the hormonal contraceptives uses with the increase of the predisposition of risk for cardiovascular diseases. Our data demonstrated that concomitant use of contraceptives showed a significant reduction activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time similar to hypercoagulability clinical conditions. Besides, as a compensation mechanism, there was an increase in the Fibrinogen levels. We also verified a significant increase at the total cholesterol and platelet aggregation up to 10%. Therefore, it was evidenced through this study that the use of hormonal contraceptives may increase cardiovascular risk. Besides, our data represents an alert since, in Brazil, the primary contraceptive hormone prescribed in public health units consists of second-generation drugs, which are the ones that most present associations with cardiovascular risk.

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