Predicting Long-Term Meat Productivity for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Livestock is one of the fastest-growing sectors in
agriculture. If carefully managed, have potential opportunities for
economic growth, food sovereignty and food security. In this study
we mainly analyse and compare long-term i.e. for year 2030 climate
variability impact on predicted productivity of meat i.e. beef, mutton
and poultry for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia w.r.t three factors i.e. i)
climatic-change vulnerability ii) CO2 fertilization and iii) water
scarcity and compare the results with two countries of the region i.e.
Iraq and Yemen. We do the analysis using data from diverse sources,
which was extracted, transformed and integrated before usage. The
collective impact of the three factors had an overall negative effect on
the production of meat for all the three countries, with adverse impact
on Iraq. High similarity was found between CO2 fertilization
(effecting animal fodder) and water scarcity i.e. higher than that
between production of beef and mutton for the three countries
considered. Overall, the three factors do not seem to be favorable for
the three Middle-East countries considered. This points to possibility
of a vegetarian year 2030 based on dependency on indigenous livestock

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