Plasma Spraying of 316 Stainless Steel on Aluminum and Investigation of Coat/Substrate Interface
By applying coating onto a structural component, the corrosion and/or wear resistance requirements of the surface can be fulfilled. Since the layer adhesion of the coating influences the mechanical integrity of the coat/substrate interface during the service time, it should be examined accurately. At the present work, the tensile bonding strength of the 316 stainless steel plasma sprayed coating on aluminum substrate was determined by using tensile adhesion test, TAT, specimen. The interfacial fracture toughness was specified using four-point bend specimen containing a saw notch and modified chevron-notched short-bar (SB) specimen. The coating microstructure and fractured specimen surface were examined by using scanning electron- and optical-microscopy. The investigation of coated surface after tensile adhesion test indicates that the failure mechanism is mostly cohesive and rarely adhesive type. The calculated value of critical strain energy release rate proposes relatively good interface status. It seems that four-point bending test offers a potentially more sensitive means for evaluation of mechanical integrity of coating/substrate interfaces than is possible with the tensile test. The fracture toughness value reported for the modified chevron-notched short-bar specimen testing cannot be taken as absolute value because its calculation is based on the minimum stress intensity coefficient value which has been suggested for the fracture toughness determination of homogeneous parts in the ASTM E1304-97 standard.
[1] R.B. Heimann, “Plasma Spray Coating”, Principles and Applications”, VCH, 1996.
[2] L. Pawlowski, “The Science and Engineering of Plasma Spray Coatings”, Wiley on line library, 1995.
[3] R. Krebs, B. Stiebels, L. Spiegel, E. Pott, “FSI-Ottomotor mit Direkteinspritzung im Volkswagen Lupo”, Fortschritt-Berichte, Wiener Motorensymposium, VDI, 12, 2000, p. 420.
[4] K. U. Kainer. “Metal Matrix Composites: Custom-Made Materials for Automotive and Aerospace Engineering”, Copyright Weinheim: Wiley-Vch Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006.
[5] J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee, “Stress intensity factors and crack initiation directions for ceramic/metal joint”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 30, 1998, pp. 27-38.
[6] M. Van Den Burg, J.Th.M. De Hosson, “Mechanical performance of metal-ceramic interfaces produced by laser processing”, Interface Science, 3, 1995, pp. 107-118.
[7] W. Lee, “Strength of Si 3 N4 /Ni-Cr-Fe alloy joints with test methods: Shear, tension, three-point and four-point bending”, J. of Materials Science, 32, 1997, pp. 6657-6660.
[8] Q. Ma, “A four-point bending technique for studying subcritical crack growth in thin films and at interfaces”, J. of Materials Research, 3, 12, 1997, pp. 840-845.
[9] G.H. Heintze, R. Mc Pherson, “Fracture toughness of plasma-sprayed zirconia coatings”, Surface and Coating Technology, 34, 1988, pp. 13-23.
[10] G.H. Heintze, R. Mc Pherson, “Further study of fracture toughness of plasma-sprayed zirconia coatings”, Surface and Coating Technology, 36, 1988, pp. 125-132.
[11] M. Arrigoni, S. Barradas, M. Braccini, M. Dupeux, M. Jeandin, M. Boustie, C. Bolis, L. Berthe, “A comparative study of three adhesion tests (EN 582, similar to ASTM C633, LASAT (Laser Adhesion Test), and bulge and blister test) performed on plasma sprayed copper deposited on aluminum 2017 substrates”, J. Adhesion Sci. Technology, 5, 20, 2006, pp. 471-487.
[12] G. Qian, T. Nakamura, C.C. Berndt and S.H. Leigh, “Tensile toughness test and high temperature fracture analysis of thermal barrier coating”, Acta Matereralia, 45, 4, 1997, pp. 1767-1784.
[13] D. Rickerby, “Measurement of coating adhesion”, in Metallurgical and Ceramic Protective Coatings”, K.H. Stern Ed. Chapman & Hall, London, 1996, pp. 306-333.
[14] ASTM C633-01, “Standard test method for adhesion or cohesion strength of thermal spray coatings”, 2001.
[15] M. J. Filiaggi, R. M. Pilliar, “Mechanical testing of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings on metal substrates: Interfacial fracture toughness and tensile bond strength” J. of Materials Science, 26, 1991, pp. 5383-5395.
[16] A. G. Evans, J. W. Hutchinson, “Effects of non-planarity on the mixed mode fracture resistance of bimaterial interfaces”, Acta Metallurgica, 3, 37, 1989, pp. 909-916.
[17] A. G. Evans. M. Riihle. B. J. Dalgleish, P. G. Charalambides. “The fracture energy of bimaterial interfaces”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 126, 1990, pp. 53-64.
[18] R. Mc Pherson, “Metallurgical and protective coatings: The relationship between the formation, microstructure and plasma sprayed coatings”, Thin Solid Films, 83, 1981, pp. 297-310.
[19] E. Hanus, T. Ericsson, “Influence of four-point bending fatigue on the residual stress state of a pressure-rolled particulate reinforced metal matrix composite”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 194, 1995, pp. 147-156.
[20] L. R. Katipelli, A. Agarwal, N. B. Dahotre, “Interfacial strength of laser surface engineered TiC coating on 6061 Al using four-point bend test”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 289, 2000, pp. 34-40.
[21] Q.S. Yang, X.R. Peng, A.K.H. Kwan, “Strain energy release rate for interfacial cracks in hybrid beams”, Mechanics Research Communications, 33, 2006, pp.796-803.
[22] J.W. Hutchinson, Z. Suo, “Mixed mode cracking in layered materials”, Advances in Applied Mechanics, J. W. Hutchinson and T. Y. Wu, Eds. Academic Press, 29, 1992, pp. 63-191.
[23] R. Rice, “Elastic fracture mechanics concept for interfacial cracks”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 55, 1988, pp. 98-103.
[24] A. Strawbridge, H.E. Evans,” Mechanical Failure of thin Brittle Coatings”, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol.2, 2, 1995, pp. 85-103.
[25] LM. Barker, “A Simplified Method for Measuring Plane Strain Fracture Toughness”, Engineering. Fracture Mechanic, 9, 1977, pp. 361-369.
[26] LM. Barker, “Compliance Calibration of a Family of Short Rod and Short Bar Fracture Toughness Specimens”, Engineering. Fracture Mechanic, 17, 1983, pp. 289-312.
[27] D. Munz, RT. Bubsey, J.E. Srawley, “Compliance and stress intensity coefficients for short bar specimens with chevron notches”. Int. J. of Fracture, 16, 1980, pp. 359-374.
[28] LM. Barker, “Short Bar Specimens for KIc Measurement”, in Fracture Mechanics Applied to Brittle Materials ASTM STP 678, S.W. Freiman, Ed. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1979, pp. 73-82.
[29] J. Nakayama, “Direct measurement of fracture energies of brittle heterogeneous materials”. J Am. Ceram. Society, 48, 1965, pp. 583-587.
[30] R.T. Bubsey, D. Munz, W.S. Pierce, J.L. Shannon, “Compliance calibration of the short rod chevron-notch specimen for fracture-toughness testing of brittle materials”. Int. J. of Fracture, 18, 1982, pp. 125-133.
[31] JJ. Jr. Mecholsky, L.M. Barker, “A chevron-notched specimen for fracture toughness measurements of ceramic-metal interface”, Chevron-Notched Specimens: Testing and Stress Analysis. ASTM STP 855, 1984, pp. 325-336.
[32] Jr. JC., Newman, “A review of chevron-notched fracture specimens”, Chevron-notched specimens: Testing and stress analysis. ASTM STP 855, 1984, pp. 5-31.
[33] D. J. Lee, “Simple method to measure the crack resistance of ceramics materials”, J. of Materials Science, 30, 1995, pp. 4617-4622.
[34] ASTM E 1304-97, “Standard test method for plane-strain chevron-notch fracture toughness of metallic materials”, 2002 pp. 1-11.
[35] Sulzer Metco, “Thermal spray materials guide”, 2012.
[36] L. Pouliot, J. Blain, F. Nadeau, DPV-2000 reference manual, Tecnar Automation Ltd, Montreal, 1999.
[37] “FM 1000 Adhesive Film”, Cytec Engineered Materials, Technical Product description, Report No. 120502, pp. 1-9.
[39] ASTM C1341-00, Standard test method for flexural properties of continuous fiber reinforced advanced ceramic components”, pp. 518-536.
[41] M. V. Babu, R.K. Kumar, O. Prabhakar, N.G. Shankar, “Fracture mechanics approaches to coating strength evaluation”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 55, 1996, pp. 235-248.
[42] J. Dundurs, “Edge-Bonded Dissimilar Orthogonal Elastic Wedges”, J. Appl. Mech., 36, 1969, 650-652.
[43] A. A. Volinsky, D.F. Bahr, M.D. Kriese, N.R. Moody, W. Gerberich, “Nanoindentation methods in interfacial fracture testing” in “Interfacial and nanoscale failure”, vol.8., W. Gerbrich, W. Yang, Vol. Eds. from “Comprehensive Structural Integrity, Fracture of Materials From Micro to Nano” vols.1-10, I. Milne, R. O. Ritchie, B. Karihaloo, Eds.-in-Chief, New York: Elsevier Pergamon, 2003, pp. 453-493.
[44] P. O. Charreyron, N. J. Bylina, J. G. Hannoosh, in "Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics", Vol. 8, edited by R. C. Bradt, A. G. Evans, D. P. H. Hasselman and F. F. Lange, Plenum Press, New York, 1986, pp. 225-250.
[1] R.B. Heimann, “Plasma Spray Coating”, Principles and Applications”, VCH, 1996.
[2] L. Pawlowski, “The Science and Engineering of Plasma Spray Coatings”, Wiley on line library, 1995.
[3] R. Krebs, B. Stiebels, L. Spiegel, E. Pott, “FSI-Ottomotor mit Direkteinspritzung im Volkswagen Lupo”, Fortschritt-Berichte, Wiener Motorensymposium, VDI, 12, 2000, p. 420.
[4] K. U. Kainer. “Metal Matrix Composites: Custom-Made Materials for Automotive and Aerospace Engineering”, Copyright Weinheim: Wiley-Vch Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006.
[5] J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee, “Stress intensity factors and crack initiation directions for ceramic/metal joint”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 30, 1998, pp. 27-38.
[6] M. Van Den Burg, J.Th.M. De Hosson, “Mechanical performance of metal-ceramic interfaces produced by laser processing”, Interface Science, 3, 1995, pp. 107-118.
[7] W. Lee, “Strength of Si 3 N4 /Ni-Cr-Fe alloy joints with test methods: Shear, tension, three-point and four-point bending”, J. of Materials Science, 32, 1997, pp. 6657-6660.
[8] Q. Ma, “A four-point bending technique for studying subcritical crack growth in thin films and at interfaces”, J. of Materials Research, 3, 12, 1997, pp. 840-845.
[9] G.H. Heintze, R. Mc Pherson, “Fracture toughness of plasma-sprayed zirconia coatings”, Surface and Coating Technology, 34, 1988, pp. 13-23.
[10] G.H. Heintze, R. Mc Pherson, “Further study of fracture toughness of plasma-sprayed zirconia coatings”, Surface and Coating Technology, 36, 1988, pp. 125-132.
[11] M. Arrigoni, S. Barradas, M. Braccini, M. Dupeux, M. Jeandin, M. Boustie, C. Bolis, L. Berthe, “A comparative study of three adhesion tests (EN 582, similar to ASTM C633, LASAT (Laser Adhesion Test), and bulge and blister test) performed on plasma sprayed copper deposited on aluminum 2017 substrates”, J. Adhesion Sci. Technology, 5, 20, 2006, pp. 471-487.
[12] G. Qian, T. Nakamura, C.C. Berndt and S.H. Leigh, “Tensile toughness test and high temperature fracture analysis of thermal barrier coating”, Acta Matereralia, 45, 4, 1997, pp. 1767-1784.
[13] D. Rickerby, “Measurement of coating adhesion”, in Metallurgical and Ceramic Protective Coatings”, K.H. Stern Ed. Chapman & Hall, London, 1996, pp. 306-333.
[14] ASTM C633-01, “Standard test method for adhesion or cohesion strength of thermal spray coatings”, 2001.
[15] M. J. Filiaggi, R. M. Pilliar, “Mechanical testing of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings on metal substrates: Interfacial fracture toughness and tensile bond strength” J. of Materials Science, 26, 1991, pp. 5383-5395.
[16] A. G. Evans, J. W. Hutchinson, “Effects of non-planarity on the mixed mode fracture resistance of bimaterial interfaces”, Acta Metallurgica, 3, 37, 1989, pp. 909-916.
[17] A. G. Evans. M. Riihle. B. J. Dalgleish, P. G. Charalambides. “The fracture energy of bimaterial interfaces”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 126, 1990, pp. 53-64.
[18] R. Mc Pherson, “Metallurgical and protective coatings: The relationship between the formation, microstructure and plasma sprayed coatings”, Thin Solid Films, 83, 1981, pp. 297-310.
[19] E. Hanus, T. Ericsson, “Influence of four-point bending fatigue on the residual stress state of a pressure-rolled particulate reinforced metal matrix composite”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 194, 1995, pp. 147-156.
[20] L. R. Katipelli, A. Agarwal, N. B. Dahotre, “Interfacial strength of laser surface engineered TiC coating on 6061 Al using four-point bend test”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 289, 2000, pp. 34-40.
[21] Q.S. Yang, X.R. Peng, A.K.H. Kwan, “Strain energy release rate for interfacial cracks in hybrid beams”, Mechanics Research Communications, 33, 2006, pp.796-803.
[22] J.W. Hutchinson, Z. Suo, “Mixed mode cracking in layered materials”, Advances in Applied Mechanics, J. W. Hutchinson and T. Y. Wu, Eds. Academic Press, 29, 1992, pp. 63-191.
[23] R. Rice, “Elastic fracture mechanics concept for interfacial cracks”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 55, 1988, pp. 98-103.
[24] A. Strawbridge, H.E. Evans,” Mechanical Failure of thin Brittle Coatings”, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol.2, 2, 1995, pp. 85-103.
[25] LM. Barker, “A Simplified Method for Measuring Plane Strain Fracture Toughness”, Engineering. Fracture Mechanic, 9, 1977, pp. 361-369.
[26] LM. Barker, “Compliance Calibration of a Family of Short Rod and Short Bar Fracture Toughness Specimens”, Engineering. Fracture Mechanic, 17, 1983, pp. 289-312.
[27] D. Munz, RT. Bubsey, J.E. Srawley, “Compliance and stress intensity coefficients for short bar specimens with chevron notches”. Int. J. of Fracture, 16, 1980, pp. 359-374.
[28] LM. Barker, “Short Bar Specimens for KIc Measurement”, in Fracture Mechanics Applied to Brittle Materials ASTM STP 678, S.W. Freiman, Ed. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1979, pp. 73-82.
[29] J. Nakayama, “Direct measurement of fracture energies of brittle heterogeneous materials”. J Am. Ceram. Society, 48, 1965, pp. 583-587.
[30] R.T. Bubsey, D. Munz, W.S. Pierce, J.L. Shannon, “Compliance calibration of the short rod chevron-notch specimen for fracture-toughness testing of brittle materials”. Int. J. of Fracture, 18, 1982, pp. 125-133.
[31] JJ. Jr. Mecholsky, L.M. Barker, “A chevron-notched specimen for fracture toughness measurements of ceramic-metal interface”, Chevron-Notched Specimens: Testing and Stress Analysis. ASTM STP 855, 1984, pp. 325-336.
[32] Jr. JC., Newman, “A review of chevron-notched fracture specimens”, Chevron-notched specimens: Testing and stress analysis. ASTM STP 855, 1984, pp. 5-31.
[33] D. J. Lee, “Simple method to measure the crack resistance of ceramics materials”, J. of Materials Science, 30, 1995, pp. 4617-4622.
[34] ASTM E 1304-97, “Standard test method for plane-strain chevron-notch fracture toughness of metallic materials”, 2002 pp. 1-11.
[35] Sulzer Metco, “Thermal spray materials guide”, 2012.
[36] L. Pouliot, J. Blain, F. Nadeau, DPV-2000 reference manual, Tecnar Automation Ltd, Montreal, 1999.
[37] “FM 1000 Adhesive Film”, Cytec Engineered Materials, Technical Product description, Report No. 120502, pp. 1-9.
[39] ASTM C1341-00, Standard test method for flexural properties of continuous fiber reinforced advanced ceramic components”, pp. 518-536.
[41] M. V. Babu, R.K. Kumar, O. Prabhakar, N.G. Shankar, “Fracture mechanics approaches to coating strength evaluation”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 55, 1996, pp. 235-248.
[42] J. Dundurs, “Edge-Bonded Dissimilar Orthogonal Elastic Wedges”, J. Appl. Mech., 36, 1969, 650-652.
[43] A. A. Volinsky, D.F. Bahr, M.D. Kriese, N.R. Moody, W. Gerberich, “Nanoindentation methods in interfacial fracture testing” in “Interfacial and nanoscale failure”, vol.8., W. Gerbrich, W. Yang, Vol. Eds. from “Comprehensive Structural Integrity, Fracture of Materials From Micro to Nano” vols.1-10, I. Milne, R. O. Ritchie, B. Karihaloo, Eds.-in-Chief, New York: Elsevier Pergamon, 2003, pp. 453-493.
[44] P. O. Charreyron, N. J. Bylina, J. G. Hannoosh, in "Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics", Vol. 8, edited by R. C. Bradt, A. G. Evans, D. P. H. Hasselman and F. F. Lange, Plenum Press, New York, 1986, pp. 225-250.
@article{"International Journal of Chemical, Materials and Biomolecular Sciences:72794", author = "P. Abachi and T. W. Coyle and P. S. Musavi Gharavi", title = "Plasma Spraying of 316 Stainless Steel on Aluminum and Investigation of Coat/Substrate Interface", abstract = "By applying coating onto a structural component, the corrosion and/or wear resistance requirements of the surface can be fulfilled. Since the layer adhesion of the coating influences the mechanical integrity of the coat/substrate interface during the service time, it should be examined accurately. At the present work, the tensile bonding strength of the 316 stainless steel plasma sprayed coating on aluminum substrate was determined by using tensile adhesion test, TAT, specimen. The interfacial fracture toughness was specified using four-point bend specimen containing a saw notch and modified chevron-notched short-bar (SB) specimen. The coating microstructure and fractured specimen surface were examined by using scanning electron- and optical-microscopy. The investigation of coated surface after tensile adhesion test indicates that the failure mechanism is mostly cohesive and rarely adhesive type. The calculated value of critical strain energy release rate proposes relatively good interface status. It seems that four-point bending test offers a potentially more sensitive means for evaluation of mechanical integrity of coating/substrate interfaces than is possible with the tensile test. The fracture toughness value reported for the modified chevron-notched short-bar specimen testing cannot be taken as absolute value because its calculation is based on the minimum stress intensity coefficient value which has been suggested for the fracture toughness determination of homogeneous parts in the ASTM E1304-97 standard.
", keywords = "Bonding strength, four-point bend test, interfacial fracture toughness, modified chevron-notched short-bar specimen, plasma sprayed coating.", volume = "10", number = "5", pages = "532-11", }