Palynomorphological Data of Pollen Grains of Lamium garganicum

This study shows palynomorphological description of
pollen grains of Lamium garganicum, species of the family Labiatae.
Fresh material of this plant is taken in Mount Llogara, in Albania. By
comparison made between palinomorphological characteristics of
pollen grains of Lamium garganicum with those of Lamium
and Lamium purpureum, showed that granules have
similarities in the number of furrows. The pollen grains of Lamium
were larger in length and width than those of Lamium
and almost equal with those of Lamium purpureum.
Furrows are longer than those of pollen grains in Lamium maculatum
and shorter than those of Lamium purpureum. The layer of exine of
Lamium garganicum was thinner than that of two others. The
sculpture of exine was fine reticulate, where reticulas were uniform
whereas in Lamium purpureum was verrucate, with small verrucae; in
Lamium maculatum was reticulate.

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