Inhibitory Effects of Ambrosia trifida L. on the Development of Root Hairs and Protein Patterns of Radicles

Ambrosia trifida L. is designated as invasive alien
species by the Act on the Conservation and Use of Biodiversity by the
Ministry of Environment, Korea. The purpose of present paper was to
investigate the inhibitory effects of aqueous extracts of A.trifida on the
development of root hairs of Triticum aestivum L., and Allium
tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng and the electrophoretic protein patterns of
their radicles. The development of root hairs was inhibited by
increasing of aqueous extract concentrations. Through SDS-PAGE,
the electrophoretic protein bands of extracted proteins from their
radicles were appeared in controls, but protein bands of specific
molecular weight disappeared or weakened in treatments. In
conclusion, inhibitory effects of A. trifida made two receptor species
changed morphologically, and at the molecular level in early growth

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