Comparative Evaluation of Accuracy of Selected Machine Learning Classification Techniques for Diagnosis of Cancer: A Data Mining Approach

With recent trends in Big Data and advancements
in Information and Communication Technologies, the healthcare
industry is at the stage of its transition from clinician oriented to
technology oriented. Many people around the world die of cancer
because the diagnosis of disease was not done at an early stage.
Nowadays, the computational methods in the form of Machine
Learning (ML) are used to develop automated decision support
systems that can diagnose cancer with high confidence in a timely
manner. This paper aims to carry out the comparative evaluation
of a selected set of ML classifiers on two existing datasets: breast
cancer and cervical cancer. The ML classifiers compared in this study
are Decision Tree (DT), Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest
Neighbor (k-NN), Logistic Regression, Ensemble (Bagged Tree) and
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The evaluation is carried out based
on standard evaluation metrics Precision (P), Recall (R), F1-score and
Accuracy. The experimental results based on the evaluation metrics
show that ANN showed the highest-level accuracy (99.4%) when
tested with breast cancer dataset. On the other hand, when these
ML classifiers are tested with the cervical cancer dataset, Ensemble
(Bagged Tree) technique gave better accuracy (93.1%) in comparison
to other classifiers.

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