Codon-optimized Carbonic Anhydrase from Dunaliella species: Expression and Characterization

Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) has been focused as biological catalysis for CO2 sequestration process because it can catalyze the conversion of CO2 to bicarbonate. Here, codon-optimized sequence of α type-CA cloned from Duneliala species. (DsCAopt) was constructed, expressed, and characterized. The expression level in E. coli BL21(DE3) was better for codon-optimized DsCAopt than intact sequence of DsCAopt. DsCAopt enzyme shows high-stability at pH 7.6/10.0. In final, we demonstrated that in the Ca2+ solution, DsCAopt enzyme can catalyze well the conversion of CO2 to CaCO3, as the calcite form.


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