Assessment of Water Quality Used for Irrigation: Case Study of Josepdam Irrigation Scheme

The aim of irrigation is to recharge the available water
in the soil. Quality of irrigation water is essential for the yield and
quality of crops produced, maintenance of soil productivity and
protection of the environment. The analysis of irrigation water arises
as a need to know the impact of irrigation water on the yield of crops,
the effect, and the necessary control measures to rectify the effect of
this for optimum production and yield of crops. This study was conducted to assess the quality of irrigation water
with its performance on crop planted, in Josepdam irrigation scheme
Bacita, Nigeria. Field visits were undertaken to identify and locate
water supply sources and collect water samples from these sources;
X1 Drain, Oshin, River Niger loop and Ndafa. Laboratory
experiments were then undertaken to determine the quality of raw
water from these sources. The analysis was carried for various parameters namely; physical
and chemical analyses after water samples have been taken from four
sources. The samples were tested in laboratory. Results showed that
the raw water sources shows no salinity tendencies with SAR values
less than 1me/l and Ecvaules at Zero while the pH were within the
recommended range by FAO, there are increase in potassium and
sulphate content contamination in three of the location. From this, it
is recommended that there should be proper monitoring of the
scheme by conducting analysis of water and soil in the environment,
preferable test should be carried out at least one year to cover the
impact of seasonal variations and to determine the physical and
chemical analysis of the water used for irrigation at the scheme.

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