Advanced Palliative Aquatics Care Multi-Device AuBento for Symptom and Pain Management by Sensorial Integration and Electromagnetic Fields: A Preliminary Design Study
Background: Although palliative care policies and services have been developed, research in this area continues to lag. An integrated model of palliative care is suggested, which includes complementary and alternative services aimed at improving the well-being of patients and their families. The palliative aquatics care multi-device (AuBento) uses several electromagnetic techniques to decrease pain and promote well-being through relaxation and interaction among patients, specialists, and family members. Aim: The scope of this paper is to present a preliminary design study of a device capable of exploring the various existing theories on the biomedical application of magnetic fields. This will be achieved by standardizing clinical data collection with sensory integration, and adding new therapeutic options to develop an advanced palliative aquatics care, innovating in symptom and pain management. Methods: The research methodology was based on the Work Package Methodology for the development of projects, separating the activities into seven different Work Packages. The theoretical basis was carried out through an integrative literature review according to the specific objectives of each Work Package and provided a broad analysis, which, together with the multiplicity of proposals and the interdisciplinarity of the research team involved, generated consistent and understandable complex concepts in the biomedical application of magnetic fields for palliative care. Results: Aubento ambience was idealized with restricted electromagnetic exposure (avoiding data collection bias) and sensory integration (allowing relaxation associated with hydrotherapy, music therapy, and chromotherapy or like floating tank). This device has a multipurpose configuration enabling classic or exploratory options on the use of the biomedical application of magnetic fields at the researcher's discretion. Conclusions: Several patients in diverse therapeutic contexts may benefit from the use of magnetic fields or fluids, thus validating the stimuli to clinical research in this area. A device in controlled and multipurpose environments may contribute to standardizing research and exploring new theories. Future research may demonstrate the possible benefits of the aquatics care multi-device AuBento to improve the well-being and symptom control in palliative care patients and their families.
[1] Figueiredo DM, Shimizu HE, Ramalho WM, de Figueiredo AM, Lucena KT. Quality of Primary Health Care in Brazil: patients’ view. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(Suppl 6):2713-9.
[2] Gaspary, JFPG. AuBento's Design Experience: a multipurpose device that uses aqueous colloidal solution for Biomedical Application of Magnetic Fields and Fluids. (Dissertation in portuguese). Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, 2020. 226p
[3] NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. NICE guideline. Care of dying adults in the last days of life. Published: 16 December 2015. Available in:
[4] North of England Cancer Network Palliative. Palliative and End of Life Care Guidelines. Fouth Edition, 2016. Available in:
[5] Gordon GA. Designed electromagnetic pulsed therapy: clinical applications. J Cell Physiol. 2007;212(3):579-82.
[6] Markov M, Ryaby J, Waldorff E. Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Clinical Applications.1st ed. Local: CRC Press; 2020.
[7] Bernabò N, Ciccarelli R, Greco L, Ordinelli A, Mattioli M, Barboni B. Scientometric study of the effects of exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on fertility: A contribution to understanding the reasons of partial failure. PLoS One. 2017 Dec 6;12(12):e0187890.
[8] Worpole, K. (2009). Modern hospice design: the architecture of palliative care. London: Routledge.
[9] Gaab E, Steinhorn DM. Families' Views of Pediatric Palliative Aquatics: A Qualitative Study. Pain Manag Nurs. 2015;16(4):526-533. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2014.09.012.
[10] Markov MS. Expanding use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapies. Electromagn Biol Med. 2007; 26(3):257-74. (PubMed: 17886012).
[11] Salvatore J, Weitberg A, Mehta S. Nonionizing Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer: A Review. Oncology (Williston Park). 1996;10(4):563-70. (PubMed: 8723289).
[12] Sert C. Interaction of Electromagnetic Field – Biological System and Three Important Diseases: Cancer, Diabetes and Cardiac Diseases. JSM Anat Physiol, 2016; 1(1):1001.
[13] Shupak N, Prato F, Thomas A. Therapeutic uses of pulsed magnetic-field exposure: A review. URSI Radio Science Bulletin. 2003; 307:9-32. (doi: 10.23919/URSIRSB.2003. 7909506)
[14] Pasek J, Pasek T, Sieroń-Stołtny K, Cieślar G, Sieroń A. Electromagnetic fields in medicine – the state of art. Electromagn Biol Med. 2016; 35(2):170-5. (PubMed: 26192151)
[15] Markov M. Electromagnetic Fields in Biology And Medicine. CRC PressTaylor & Francis Group, London: 2015.
[16] Rubik B. The biofield hypothesis: its biophysical basis and role in medicine. J Altern Complement Med. 2002; 8(6):703-17. (PubMed: 12614524)
[17] Rubik B, Becker RO, Flower RG, Hazlewood CF, Liboff AR, Walleczek J. Bioelectromagnetics applications in medicine. NIH-OAM Electromagnetics Panel Report: 1993.
[18] Blank M, Findl E. Mechanistic Approaches in Interactions of Electric and Electromagnetic Fields with Living Systems. Plenum Press, New York: 1987.
[19] Zhadin MN. Review of Russian literature on biological action of DC and low frequency AC magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics. 2001; 22(1):27-45. (PubMed: 11122491)
[20] European Commission. The PM² Project Management Methodology Guide 3.0. DIGIT Centre of Excellence in Project Management (CoEPM²), Brussels | Luxembourg, 2018.
[21] DeMeo J. The Orgone Accumulator Handbook Wilhelm Reich’s Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans Third Revised and Expanded Edition. Natural Energy Works: 2010.
[22] DeMeo J. Experimental confirmation of the Reich orgone accumulator thermal anomaly. Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine. 2009; 20(3):17-32.
[23] Weichenberger M, Bauer M, Kühler R, Hensel J, Forlim CG, Ihlenfeld A, Ittermann B, Gallinat J, Koch C, Kühn S. Altered cortical and subcortical connectivity due to infrasound administered near the hearing threshold – Evidence from fMRI. PLoS One. 2017: 12;12(4):e0174420. (PubMed: 28403175)
[24] Davidson PA. An introduction to magnetohydrodynamics. Cambridge texts in applied mathematics. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge: 2001.
[25] Wong JCY, Smyllie NJ, Banks GT, Pothecary CA, Barnard AR, Maywood ES, Jagannath A, Hughes S, van der Horst GTJ, MacLaren RE, Hankins MW, Hastings MH, Nolan PM, Foster RG, Peirson SN. Differential roles for cryptochromes in the mammalian retinal clock. FASEB J. 2018 Aug;32(8):4302-14. (PubMed: 29561690)
[26] Vanderstraeten J, Burda H. Does magnetoreception mediate biological effects of power-frequency magnetic fields? Sci. Total Environ. 2012; 417:299-304. (PubMed: 22071437)
[27] Vanderstraeten J, Gillis P. Theoretical Evaluation of Magnetoreception of Power-Frequency Fields. Bioelectromagnetics. 2010; 31(5):371-79. (PubMed: 20127890)
[28] Vanderstraeten J, Verschaeve L, Burda H, Bouland C, Brouwer C. Health effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields: reconsidering the melatonin hypothesis in the light of current data on magnetoreception. J Appl Toxicol. 2012; 32(12):952-8. (PubMed: 22696437)
[29] Vanderstraeten J, Burda H, Verschaeve L, Brouwer C. Could Magnetic Fields affect the Circadian Clock Function of Cryptochromes? Testing the Basic premise of the Cryptochrome Hypothesis (ELF Magnetic Fields). Health Phys. 2015 Jul;109(1):84-9. (PubMed: 26011501)
[30] Pollack GH, Figueroa X, Zhao Q. Molecules, Water, and Radiant Energy: New Clues for the Origin of Life. Int J Mol Sci. 2009; 10:1419-29. (PubMed: 19468316)
[31] Ovchinnikova K, Pollack GH. Can Water Store Charge? Langmuir 2009; 25:542-7. (PubMed: 19053655)
[32] Pollack GH. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor. Ebner and Sons Publishers: 2013.
[33] Gaspary J, Gaspary F, Simão EM, Ferreira M, Garcia P, Walty A, Schlatter R, Oliveira F. Exploring the Water Memory hypothesis in a new model of medical device for biomedical applications of Electromagnetic Fields – The “AuBento” new setting. Book of Abstracts, ICMF: 2019. (
[34] Davenas E, Beauvais F, Amara J, Oberbaum M, Robinzon B, Miadonna A, Tedeschi A, Pomeranz B, Fortner P, Belon P, Sainte-Laudy J, Poitevin B, Benveniste J. Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE. Nature. 1988; 333:816-818. (PubMed: 2455231).
[35] Kim WH. New Approach Controlling Cancer: Water Memory. J Vortex Sci Technol. 2013; 1:1-8. (doi: 10.4172/2090-8369.1000104)
[36] McClintock SM, Reti IM, Carpenter LL, McDonald WM, Dubin M, Taylor SF, Cook IA, O'Reardon J, Husain MM, Wall C, Krystal AD, Sampson SM, Morales O, Nelson BG, Latoussakis V, George MS, Lisanby SH; National Network of Depression Centers rTMS Task Group; American Psychiatric Association Council on Research Task Force on Novel Biomarkers and Treatments. Consensus Recommendations for the Clinical Application of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in the Treatment of Depression. J Clin Psychiatry. 2018 Jan/Feb;79(1). (PubMed: 28541649)
[37] Mooventhan A, Nivethitha L. Scientific evidence-based effects of hydrotherapy on various systems of the body. N Am J Med Sci. 2014; 6(5):199-209. (PubMed: 24926444)
[38] Kamioka H, Tsutani K, Yamada M, Park H, Okuizumi H, Tsuruoka K, Honda T, Okada S, Park SJ, Kitayuguchi J, Abe T, Handa S, Oshio T, Mutoh Y. Effectiveness of music therapy: a summary of systematic reviews based on randomized controlled trials of music interventions. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2014; 8:727-54. (PubMed: 24876768)
[39] Azeemi ST, Raza SM. A critical analysis of chromotherapy and its scientific evolution. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005; 2(4):481-8. (PubMed: 16322805)
[40] Kjellgren A, Westman J. Beneficial effects of treatment with sensory isolation in flotation-tank as a preventive health-care intervention - a randomized controlled pilot trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014; 14:417. (PubMed: 25344737)
[1] Figueiredo DM, Shimizu HE, Ramalho WM, de Figueiredo AM, Lucena KT. Quality of Primary Health Care in Brazil: patients’ view. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(Suppl 6):2713-9.
[2] Gaspary, JFPG. AuBento's Design Experience: a multipurpose device that uses aqueous colloidal solution for Biomedical Application of Magnetic Fields and Fluids. (Dissertation in portuguese). Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, 2020. 226p
[3] NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. NICE guideline. Care of dying adults in the last days of life. Published: 16 December 2015. Available in:
[4] North of England Cancer Network Palliative. Palliative and End of Life Care Guidelines. Fouth Edition, 2016. Available in:
[5] Gordon GA. Designed electromagnetic pulsed therapy: clinical applications. J Cell Physiol. 2007;212(3):579-82.
[6] Markov M, Ryaby J, Waldorff E. Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Clinical Applications.1st ed. Local: CRC Press; 2020.
[7] Bernabò N, Ciccarelli R, Greco L, Ordinelli A, Mattioli M, Barboni B. Scientometric study of the effects of exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on fertility: A contribution to understanding the reasons of partial failure. PLoS One. 2017 Dec 6;12(12):e0187890.
[8] Worpole, K. (2009). Modern hospice design: the architecture of palliative care. London: Routledge.
[9] Gaab E, Steinhorn DM. Families' Views of Pediatric Palliative Aquatics: A Qualitative Study. Pain Manag Nurs. 2015;16(4):526-533. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2014.09.012.
[10] Markov MS. Expanding use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapies. Electromagn Biol Med. 2007; 26(3):257-74. (PubMed: 17886012).
[11] Salvatore J, Weitberg A, Mehta S. Nonionizing Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer: A Review. Oncology (Williston Park). 1996;10(4):563-70. (PubMed: 8723289).
[12] Sert C. Interaction of Electromagnetic Field – Biological System and Three Important Diseases: Cancer, Diabetes and Cardiac Diseases. JSM Anat Physiol, 2016; 1(1):1001.
[13] Shupak N, Prato F, Thomas A. Therapeutic uses of pulsed magnetic-field exposure: A review. URSI Radio Science Bulletin. 2003; 307:9-32. (doi: 10.23919/URSIRSB.2003. 7909506)
[14] Pasek J, Pasek T, Sieroń-Stołtny K, Cieślar G, Sieroń A. Electromagnetic fields in medicine – the state of art. Electromagn Biol Med. 2016; 35(2):170-5. (PubMed: 26192151)
[15] Markov M. Electromagnetic Fields in Biology And Medicine. CRC PressTaylor & Francis Group, London: 2015.
[16] Rubik B. The biofield hypothesis: its biophysical basis and role in medicine. J Altern Complement Med. 2002; 8(6):703-17. (PubMed: 12614524)
[17] Rubik B, Becker RO, Flower RG, Hazlewood CF, Liboff AR, Walleczek J. Bioelectromagnetics applications in medicine. NIH-OAM Electromagnetics Panel Report: 1993.
[18] Blank M, Findl E. Mechanistic Approaches in Interactions of Electric and Electromagnetic Fields with Living Systems. Plenum Press, New York: 1987.
[19] Zhadin MN. Review of Russian literature on biological action of DC and low frequency AC magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics. 2001; 22(1):27-45. (PubMed: 11122491)
[20] European Commission. The PM² Project Management Methodology Guide 3.0. DIGIT Centre of Excellence in Project Management (CoEPM²), Brussels | Luxembourg, 2018.
[21] DeMeo J. The Orgone Accumulator Handbook Wilhelm Reich’s Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans Third Revised and Expanded Edition. Natural Energy Works: 2010.
[22] DeMeo J. Experimental confirmation of the Reich orgone accumulator thermal anomaly. Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine. 2009; 20(3):17-32.
[23] Weichenberger M, Bauer M, Kühler R, Hensel J, Forlim CG, Ihlenfeld A, Ittermann B, Gallinat J, Koch C, Kühn S. Altered cortical and subcortical connectivity due to infrasound administered near the hearing threshold – Evidence from fMRI. PLoS One. 2017: 12;12(4):e0174420. (PubMed: 28403175)
[24] Davidson PA. An introduction to magnetohydrodynamics. Cambridge texts in applied mathematics. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge: 2001.
[25] Wong JCY, Smyllie NJ, Banks GT, Pothecary CA, Barnard AR, Maywood ES, Jagannath A, Hughes S, van der Horst GTJ, MacLaren RE, Hankins MW, Hastings MH, Nolan PM, Foster RG, Peirson SN. Differential roles for cryptochromes in the mammalian retinal clock. FASEB J. 2018 Aug;32(8):4302-14. (PubMed: 29561690)
[26] Vanderstraeten J, Burda H. Does magnetoreception mediate biological effects of power-frequency magnetic fields? Sci. Total Environ. 2012; 417:299-304. (PubMed: 22071437)
[27] Vanderstraeten J, Gillis P. Theoretical Evaluation of Magnetoreception of Power-Frequency Fields. Bioelectromagnetics. 2010; 31(5):371-79. (PubMed: 20127890)
[28] Vanderstraeten J, Verschaeve L, Burda H, Bouland C, Brouwer C. Health effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields: reconsidering the melatonin hypothesis in the light of current data on magnetoreception. J Appl Toxicol. 2012; 32(12):952-8. (PubMed: 22696437)
[29] Vanderstraeten J, Burda H, Verschaeve L, Brouwer C. Could Magnetic Fields affect the Circadian Clock Function of Cryptochromes? Testing the Basic premise of the Cryptochrome Hypothesis (ELF Magnetic Fields). Health Phys. 2015 Jul;109(1):84-9. (PubMed: 26011501)
[30] Pollack GH, Figueroa X, Zhao Q. Molecules, Water, and Radiant Energy: New Clues for the Origin of Life. Int J Mol Sci. 2009; 10:1419-29. (PubMed: 19468316)
[31] Ovchinnikova K, Pollack GH. Can Water Store Charge? Langmuir 2009; 25:542-7. (PubMed: 19053655)
[32] Pollack GH. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor. Ebner and Sons Publishers: 2013.
[33] Gaspary J, Gaspary F, Simão EM, Ferreira M, Garcia P, Walty A, Schlatter R, Oliveira F. Exploring the Water Memory hypothesis in a new model of medical device for biomedical applications of Electromagnetic Fields – The “AuBento” new setting. Book of Abstracts, ICMF: 2019. (
[34] Davenas E, Beauvais F, Amara J, Oberbaum M, Robinzon B, Miadonna A, Tedeschi A, Pomeranz B, Fortner P, Belon P, Sainte-Laudy J, Poitevin B, Benveniste J. Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE. Nature. 1988; 333:816-818. (PubMed: 2455231).
[35] Kim WH. New Approach Controlling Cancer: Water Memory. J Vortex Sci Technol. 2013; 1:1-8. (doi: 10.4172/2090-8369.1000104)
[36] McClintock SM, Reti IM, Carpenter LL, McDonald WM, Dubin M, Taylor SF, Cook IA, O'Reardon J, Husain MM, Wall C, Krystal AD, Sampson SM, Morales O, Nelson BG, Latoussakis V, George MS, Lisanby SH; National Network of Depression Centers rTMS Task Group; American Psychiatric Association Council on Research Task Force on Novel Biomarkers and Treatments. Consensus Recommendations for the Clinical Application of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in the Treatment of Depression. J Clin Psychiatry. 2018 Jan/Feb;79(1). (PubMed: 28541649)
[37] Mooventhan A, Nivethitha L. Scientific evidence-based effects of hydrotherapy on various systems of the body. N Am J Med Sci. 2014; 6(5):199-209. (PubMed: 24926444)
[38] Kamioka H, Tsutani K, Yamada M, Park H, Okuizumi H, Tsuruoka K, Honda T, Okada S, Park SJ, Kitayuguchi J, Abe T, Handa S, Oshio T, Mutoh Y. Effectiveness of music therapy: a summary of systematic reviews based on randomized controlled trials of music interventions. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2014; 8:727-54. (PubMed: 24876768)
[39] Azeemi ST, Raza SM. A critical analysis of chromotherapy and its scientific evolution. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005; 2(4):481-8. (PubMed: 16322805)
[40] Kjellgren A, Westman J. Beneficial effects of treatment with sensory isolation in flotation-tank as a preventive health-care intervention - a randomized controlled pilot trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014; 14:417. (PubMed: 25344737)
@article{"International Journal of Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences:79936", author = "J. F. Pollo Gaspary and F. Peron Gaspary and E. M. Simão and R. Concatto Beltrame and G. Orengo de Oliveira and M. S. Ristow Ferreira and J.C. Mairesse Siluk and I. F. Minello and F. dos Santos de Oliveira", title = "Advanced Palliative Aquatics Care Multi-Device AuBento for Symptom and Pain Management by Sensorial Integration and Electromagnetic Fields: A Preliminary Design Study", abstract = "Background: Although palliative care policies and services have been developed, research in this area continues to lag. An integrated model of palliative care is suggested, which includes complementary and alternative services aimed at improving the well-being of patients and their families. The palliative aquatics care multi-device (AuBento) uses several electromagnetic techniques to decrease pain and promote well-being through relaxation and interaction among patients, specialists, and family members. Aim: The scope of this paper is to present a preliminary design study of a device capable of exploring the various existing theories on the biomedical application of magnetic fields. This will be achieved by standardizing clinical data collection with sensory integration, and adding new therapeutic options to develop an advanced palliative aquatics care, innovating in symptom and pain management. Methods: The research methodology was based on the Work Package Methodology for the development of projects, separating the activities into seven different Work Packages. The theoretical basis was carried out through an integrative literature review according to the specific objectives of each Work Package and provided a broad analysis, which, together with the multiplicity of proposals and the interdisciplinarity of the research team involved, generated consistent and understandable complex concepts in the biomedical application of magnetic fields for palliative care. Results: Aubento ambience was idealized with restricted electromagnetic exposure (avoiding data collection bias) and sensory integration (allowing relaxation associated with hydrotherapy, music therapy, and chromotherapy or like floating tank). This device has a multipurpose configuration enabling classic or exploratory options on the use of the biomedical application of magnetic fields at the researcher's discretion. Conclusions: Several patients in diverse therapeutic contexts may benefit from the use of magnetic fields or fluids, thus validating the stimuli to clinical research in this area. A device in controlled and multipurpose environments may contribute to standardizing research and exploring new theories. Future research may demonstrate the possible benefits of the aquatics care multi-device AuBento to improve the well-being and symptom control in palliative care patients and their families.", keywords = "Advanced palliative aquatics care, magnetic field therapy, medical device, research design.", volume = "14", number = "10", pages = "349-9", }