A New Correlation between SPT and CPT for Various Soils

The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the most
common in situ test for soil investigations. On the other hand, the
Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is considered one of the best
investigation tools. Due to the fast and accurate results that can be
obtained it complaints the SPT in many applications like field
explorations, design parameters, and quality control assessments.
Many soil index and engineering properties have been correlated to
both of SPT and CPT. Various foundation design methods were
developed based on the outcome of these tests. Therefore it is vital to
correlate these tests to each other so that either one of the tests can be
used in the absence of the other, especially for preliminary evaluation
and design purposes.
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the
relationships between the SPT and CPT for different type of sandy
soils in Florida. Data for this research were collected from number of
projects sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT), six sites served as the subject of SPT-CPT correlations. The
correlations were established between the cone resistance (qc), sleeve
friction (fs) and the uncorrected SPT blow counts (N) for various
A positive linear relationship was found between qc, fs and N for
various sandy soils. In general, qc versus N showed higher
correlation coefficients than fs versus N. qc/N ratios were developed
for different soil types and compared to literature values, the results
of this research revealed higher ratios than literature values.

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