Abstract: This paper investigates the possibility of using three systems of organic Rankine auxiliary power generation, ejector refrigeration and absorption to recover energy from a diesel car. The analysis is done for both urban and suburban driving modes that vary from 60 to 120 km/h. Various refrigerants have also been used for organic Rankine and Ejector refrigeration cycles. The capacity was evaluated by Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system in both urban and suburban conditions for cyclopentane and ammonia as refrigerants. Also, for these two driving plans, produced cooling by absorption refrigeration system under variable ambient temperature conditions and in ejector refrigeration system for R123, R134a and R141b refrigerants were investigated.
Abstract: Due to energy and environment context, research is looking for the use of clean and energy efficient system in cooling industry. In this regard, the ejector represents one of the promising solutions. The thermal ejector is a passive component used for thermal compression in refrigeration and cooling systems, usually activated by heat either waste or solar. The present study introduces a theoretical analysis of the cooling system which uses a gas ejector thermal compression. A theoretical model is developed and applied for the design and simulation of the ejector, as well as the whole cooling system. Besides the conservation equations of mass, energy and momentum, the gas dynamic equations, state equations, isentropic relations as well as some appropriate assumptions are applied to simulate the flow and mixing in the ejector. This model coupled with the equations of the other components (condenser, evaporator, pump, and generator) is used to analyze profiles of pressure and velocity (Mach number), as well as evaluation of the cycle cooling capacity. A FORTRAN program is developed to carry out the investigation. Properties of refrigerant R134a are calculated using real gas equations. Among many parameters, it is thought that the generator pressure is the cornerstone in the cycle, and hence considered as the key parameter in this investigation. Results show that the generator pressure has a great effect on the ejector and on the whole cooling system. At high generator pressures, strong shock waves inside the ejector are created, which lead to significant condenser pressure at the ejector exit. Additionally, at higher generator pressures, the designed system can deliver cooling capacity for high condensing pressure (hot season).
Abstract: Numerical models of the heat exchangers in ejector refrigeration system (ERS) were developed and validated with the experimental data. The models were based on the switched heat exchangers model using the moving boundary method, which were capable of estimating the zones’ lengths, the outlet temperatures of both sides and the heat loads at various experimental points. The developed models were utilized to investigate the influence of the primary flow pressure on the performance of an R245fa ERS based on its coefficient of performance (COP) and exergy efficiency. It was illustrated numerically and proved experimentally that increasing the primary flow pressure slightly reduces the COP while the exergy efficiency goes through a maximum before decreasing.
Abstract: In recent years the increasing use of fossil fuels has led to various environmental problems including urban pollution, ozone layer depletion and acid rains. Moreover, with the increased number of industrial centers and higher consumption of these fuels, the end point of the fossil energy reserves has become more evident. Considering the environmental pollution caused by fossil fuels and their limited availability, renewable sources can be considered as the main substitute for non-renewable resources. One of these resources is the Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs). These cycles while having high safety, have low maintenance requirements. Combining the ORCs with other systems, such as ejector and reheater will increase overall cycle efficiency. In this study, ejector and reheater are used to improve the thermal efficiency (ηth), exergy efficiency (η_ex) and net output power (w_net); therefore, the ORCs with reheater (RORCs) are proposed. A computational program has been developed to calculate the thermodynamic parameters required in Engineering Equations Solver (EES). In this program, the analysis of the first and second law in RORC is conducted, and a comparison is made between them and the ORCs with Ejector (EORC). R245fa is selected as the working fluid and water is chosen as low temperature heat source with a temperature of 95 °C and a mass transfer rate of 1 kg/s. The pressures of the second evaporator and reheater are optimized in terms of maximum exergy efficiency. The environment is at 298.15 k and at 101.325 kpa. The results indicate that the thermodynamic parameters in the RORC have improved compared to EORC.
Abstract: The complex oblique shock phenomenon can be simply assumed as a normal shock at the constant area section to simulate a sharp pressure increase and velocity decrease in 1-D thermodynamic models. The assumed normal shock location is one of the greatest sources of error in ejector thermodynamic models. Most researchers consider an arbitrary location without justifying it. Our study compares the effect of normal shock place on ejector dimensions in 1-D models. To this aim, two different ejector experimental test benches, a constant area-mixing ejector (CAM) and a constant pressure-mixing (CPM) are considered, with different known geometries, operating conditions and working fluids (R245fa, R141b). In the first step, in order to evaluate the real value of the efficiencies in the different ejector parts and critical back pressure, a CFD model was built and validated by experimental data for two types of ejectors. These reference data are then used as input to the 1D model to calculate the lengths and the diameters of the ejectors. Afterwards, the design output geometry calculated by the 1D model is compared directly with the corresponding experimental geometry. It was found that there is a good agreement between the ejector dimensions obtained by the 1D model, for both CAM and CPM, with experimental ejector data. Furthermore, it is shown that normal shock place affects only the constant area length as it is proven that the inlet normal shock assumption results in more accurate length. Taking into account previous 1D models, the results suggest the use of the assumed normal shock location at the inlet of the constant area duct to design the supersonic ejectors.
Abstract: In this paper, the ejector-absorption refrigeration cycle is presented. This article deals with the thermodynamic simulation and the first and second law analysis of an ammonia-water. The effects of parameters such as condenser, absorber, generator, and evaporator temperatures have been investigated. The influence of the various operating parameters on the performance coefficient and exergy efficiency of this cycle has been studied. The results show that when the temperature of different parts increases, the performance coefficient and the exergy efficiency of the cycle decrease, except for evaporator and generator, that causes an increase in coefficient of performance (COP). According to the results, absorber and ejector have the highest exergy losses in the studied conditions.
Abstract: A power and cooling cycle, which combines the organic Rankine cycle and the ejector refrigeration cycle supplied by waste heat energy sources, is discussed in this paper. 13 working fluids including wet, dry, and isentropic fluids are studied in order to find their performances on the combined cycle. Various operating conditions’ effects on the proposed cycle are examined by fixing power/refrigeration ratio. According to the results, dry and isentropic fluids have better performance compared with wet fluids.
Abstract: The offshore facilities condition of Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) varies greatly from place to place, depending on the characteristics of the presently installed facilities. In some locations, such as ESA platform, gas trap is mainly caused by the occurrence of flash gas phenomenon which is known as mechanical-physical separation process of multiphase flow. Consequently, the presence of gas trap at main oil line would accumulate on certain areas result in a reduced oil stream throughout the pipeline. Any presence of discrete gaseous along continuous oil flow represents a unique flow condition under certain specific volume fraction and velocity field. From gas lift source, a benefit line is used as a motive flow for ejector which is designed to generate a syphon effect to minimize the gas trap phenomenon. Therefore, the ejector’s exhaust stream will flow to the designated point without interfering other systems.
Abstract: A jet pump is a type of pump that accelerates the flow of a secondary fluid (driven fluid) by introducing a motive fluid with high velocity into a converging-diverging nozzle. Jet pumps are also known as adductors or ejectors depending on the motivator phase. The ejector's motivator is of a gaseous nature, usually steam or air, while the educator's motivator is a liquid, usually water. Jet pumps are devices that use air bubbles and are widely used in wastewater treatment processes. In this work, we will discuss about the characteristics of the jet pump and the computational simulation of this device. To find the optimal angle and depth for the air pipe, so as to achieve the maximal air volumetric flow rate, an experimental apparatus was constructed to ascertain the best geometrical configuration for this new type of jet pump. By using 3D printing technology, a series of jet pumps was printed and tested whilst aspiring to maximize air flow rate dependent on angle and depth of the air pipe insertion. The experimental results show a major difference of up to 300% in performance between the different pumps (ratio of air flow rate to supplied power) where the optimal geometric model has an insertion angle of 600 and air pipe insertion depth ending at the center of the mixing chamber. The differences between the pumps were further explained by using CFD for better understanding the reasons that affect the airflow rate. The validity of the computational simulation and the corresponding assumptions have been proved experimentally. The present research showed high degree of congruence with the results of the laboratory tests. This study demonstrates the potential of using of the jet pump in many practical applications.
Abstract: This paper reports a novel actuating design that uses
the shear deformation of a piezoelectric actuator to deflect a
bulge-diaphragm for driving an array microdroplet ejector. In essence,
we employed a circular-shaped actuator poled radial direction with
remnant polarization normal to the actuating electric field for inducing
the piezoelectric shear effect. The array microdroplet ejector consists
of a shear type piezoelectric actuator, a vibration plate, two chamber
plates, two channel plates and a nozzle plate. The vibration, chamber
and nozzle plate components are fabricated using nickel
electroforming technology, whereas the channel plate is fabricated by
etching of stainless steel. The diaphragm displacement was measured
by the laser two-dimensional scanning vibrometer. The ejected
droplets of the microejector were also observed via an optic
visualization system.
Abstract: In this paper the supersonic ejectors are
experimentally and analytically studied. Ejector is a device that
uses the energy of a fluid to move another fluid. This device works
like a vacuum pump without usage of piston, rotor or any other
moving component. An ejector contains an active nozzle, a passive
nozzle, a mixing chamber and a diffuser. Since the fluid viscosity
is large, and the flow is turbulent and three dimensional in the
mixing chamber, the numerical methods consume long time and
high cost to analyze the flow in ejectors. Therefore this paper
presents a simple analytical method that is based on the precise
governing equations in fluid mechanics. According to achieved
analytical relations, a computer code has been prepared to analyze
the flow in different components of the ejector. An experiment has
been performed in supersonic regime 1.5
Abstract: There are several ways of improving the performance of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle. Use of an ejector as expansion device is one of the alternative ways. The present paper aims at evaluate the performance improvement of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle under a wide range of operating conditions. A numerical model is developed and a parametric study of important parameters such as condensation (30-50°C) and evaporation temperatures (-20-5°C), nozzle and diffuser efficiencies (0.75-0.95), subcooling and superheating degrees (0-15K) are investigated. The model verification gives a good agreement with the literature data. The simulation results revealed that condensation temperature has the highest effect (129%) on the performance improvement ratio while superheating has the lowest one (6.2%). Among ejector efficiencies, the diffuser efficiency has a significant effect on the COP of ejector expansion refrigeration cycle. The COP improvement percentage decreases from 10.9% to 4.6% as subcooling degrees increases by 15K.
Abstract: In this work, we try to find the best setting
of Computational Fluid Dynamic solver available for the problems in
the field of supersonic internal flows. We used the supersonic air-toair
ejector to represent the typical problem in focus. There are
multiple oblique shock waves, shear layers, boundary layers
and normal shock interacting in the supersonic ejector making this
device typical in field of supersonic inner flows. Modeling of shocks
in general is demanding on the physical model of fluid, because
ordinary conservation equation does not conform to real conditions in
the near-shock region as found in many works. From these reasons,
we decided to take special care about solver setting in this article by
means of experimental approach of color Schlieren pictures and
pneumatic measurement. Fast pressure transducers were used to
measure unsteady static pressure in regimes with normal shock in
mixing chamber. Physical behavior of ejector in several regimes is
discussed. Best choice of eddy-viscosity setting is discussed on the
theoretical base. The final verification of the k-ω SST is done on the
base of comparison between experiment and numerical results.
Abstract: The article deals with experimental and numerical
investigation of axi-symmetric subsonic air to air ejector with
diffuser adapted for boundary layer suction. The diffuser, which is
placed behind the mixing chamber of the ejector, has high divergence
angle and therefore low efficiency. To increase the efficiency, the
diffuser is equipped with slot enabling boundary layer suction. The
effect of boundary layer suction on flow in ejector, static pressure
distribution on the mixing chamber wall and characteristic were
measured and studied numerically. Both diffuser and ejector
efficiency were evaluated. The diffuser efficiency was increased,
however, the efficiency of ejector itself remained low.
Abstract: The article deals with pneumatic and hot wire
anemometry measurement on subsonic axi-symmetric air ejector.
Performances of the ejector with and without pulsations of primary
flow are compared, measuring of characteristic pressures and mass
flow rates are performed and ejector efficiency is evaluated. The
pulsations of primary flow are produced by a synthetic jet generator,
which is placed in the supply line of the primary flow just in front of
the primary nozzle. The aim of the pulsation is to intensify the
mixing process. In the article we present: Pressure measuring of
pulsation on the mixing chamber wall, behind the mixing chamber
and behind the diffuser measured by fast pressure transducers and
results of hot wire anemometry measurement. It was found out that
using of primary flow pulsations yields higher back pressure behind
the ejector and higher efficiency. The processes in this ejector and
influences of primary flow pulsations on the mixing processes are
Abstract: The article deals with numerical investigation of axisymmetric
subsonic air to air ejector. An analysis of flow and mixing
processes in cylindrical mixing chamber are made. Several modes
with different velocity and ejection ratio are presented. The mixing
processes are described and differences between flow in the initial
region of mixing and the main region of mixing are described. The
lengths of both regions are evaluated. Transition point and point
where the mixing processes are finished are identified. It was found
that the length of the initial region of mixing is strongly dependent on
the velocity ratio, while the length of the main region of mixing is
dependent on velocity ratio only slightly.
Abstract: In this study, an optimization of supersonic air-to-air ejector is carried out by a recently developed single-objective genetic algorithm based on adaption of sequence of individuals. Adaptation of sequence is based on Shape-based distance of individuals and embedded micro-genetic algorithm. The optimal sequence found defines the succession of CFD-aimed objective calculation within each generation of regular micro-genetic algorithm. A spring-based deformation mutates the computational grid starting the initial individualvia adapted population in the optimized sequence. Selection of a generation initial individual is knowledge-based. A direct comparison of the newly defined and standard micro-genetic algorithm is carried out for supersonic air-to-air ejector. The only objective is to minimize the loose of total stagnation pressure in the ejector. The result is that sequence-adopted micro-genetic algorithm can provide comparative results to standard algorithm but in significantly lower number of overall CFD iteration steps.
Abstract: In this study thermodynamic performance analysis of a
combined organic Rankine cycle and ejector refrigeration cycle is
carried out for use of low-grade heat source in the form of sensible
energy. Special attention is paid to the effects of system parameters
including the turbine inlet temperature and turbine inlet pressure on the
characteristics of the system such as ratios of mass flow rate, net work
production, and refrigeration capacity as well as the coefficient of
performance and exergy efficiency of the system. Results show that
for a given source the coefficient of performance increases with
increasing of the turbine inlet pressure. However, the exergy
efficiency has an optimal condition with respect to the turbine inlet