Abstract: For the last decade, statistics show traumatic brain
injury (TBI) is a growing concern in our legal system. In an effort to
obtain data regarding the influence of neuropsychological expert
witness testimony in a criminal case, this study tested three
hypotheses. H1: The majority of jurors will vote not guilty, due to
mild head injury. H2: The jurors will give more credence to the
testimony of the neuropsychologist rather than the psychiatrist. H3:
The jurors will be more lenient in their sentencing, given the
testimony of the neuropsychologist-s testimony. The criterion for
inclusion in the study as a participant is identical to those used for
inclusion in the eligibility for jury duty in the United States. A chisquared
test was performed to analyze the data for the three
hypotheses. The results supported all of the hypotheses; however
statistical significance was seen in H1 and H2 only.
Abstract: This study sought to determine whether there were relationships existed among leisure satisfaction, self-esteem, and spiritual wellness. Four hundred survey instruments were distributed, and 334 effective instruments were returned, for an effective rate of 83.5%. The participants were recruited from a purposive sampling that subjects were at least 60 years of age and retired in Tainan City, Taiwan. Three instruments were used in this research: Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS), Self-Esteem Scale (SES), and Spirituality Assessment Scale (SAS). The collected data were analyzed statistically. The findings of this research were as follows: 1. There is significantly correlated between leisure satisfaction and spiritual wellness. 2. There is significantly correlated between leisure satisfaction and self-esteem. 3. There is significantly correlated between spiritual wellness and self-esteem.
Abstract: Background: This investigated the mental health of the elderly survivors six months, ten months and two years after the “5.12 Wenchuan" earthquake. Methods: Two hundred and thirty-two physically healthy older survivors from earthquake-affected Mianyang County were interviewed. The measures included the Revised Impact of Event Scale (IES-R, Chinese version, for PTSD) and a Chinese Mental Health Inventory for the Elderly (MHIE). A repeated measures ANOVA test was used for statistical analysis. Results: The follow-up group had a statistically significant lower IES-R score and lower MHIE score than the initial group ten months after the earthquake. Two years later, the score of IES-R in follow-up group were still lower than that of non-follow-up group, but no differences were significant on the score of MHIE between groups. Furthermore, a negative relationship was found between scores of IES-R and MHIE. Conclusion: The earthquake has had a persistent negative impact on older survivors- mental health within the two-year period and that although the PTSD level declined significantly with time, it did not disappear completely.
Abstract: Interest in Human Consciousness has been revived in the late 20th century from different scientific disciplines. Consciousness studies involve both its understanding and its application. In this paper, a computational model of the minimum consciousness functions necessary in my point of view for Artificial Intelligence applications is presented with the aim of improving the way computations will be made in the future. In section I, human consciousness is briefly described according to the scope of this paper. In section II, a minimum set of consciousness functions is defined - based on the literature reviewed - to be modelled, and then a computational model of these functions is presented in section III. In section IV, an analysis of the model is carried out to describe its functioning in detail.
Abstract: Proactive coping directed at an upcoming as opposed
to an ongoing stressor, is a new focus in positive psychology. The
present study explored the proactive coping-s effect on the workplace
adaptation after transition from college to workplace. In order to
demonstrate the influence process between them, we constructed the
model of proactive coping style effecting the actual positive coping
efforts and outcomes by mediating proactive competence during one
year after the transition. Participants (n = 100) started to work right
after graduating from college completed all the four time-s surveys
--one month before (Time 0), one month after (Time 1), three months
after (Time 2), and one year after (Time 3) the transition. Time 0
survey included the measurement of proactive coping style and
competence. Time 1, 2, 3 surveys included the measurement of the
challenge cognitive appraisal, problem solving coping strategy, and
subjective workplace adaptation. The result indicated that proactive
coping style effected newcomers- actual coping efforts and outcomes
by mediating proactive coping competence. The result also showed
that proactive coping competence directly promoted Time1-s actual
positive coping efforts and outcomes, and indirectly promoted Time
2-s and Time 3-s.
Abstract: In this paper, Tobephobia (TBP) alludes to the fear of
failure experienced by teachers to manage curriculum change. TBP is
an emerging concept and it extends the boundaries of research in
terms of how we view achievement and failure in education.
Outcomes-based education (OBE) was introduced fifteen years ago
in South African schools without simultaneously upgrading teachers-
professional competencies. This exploratory research, therefore
examines a simple question: What is the impact of TBP and OBE on
teachers? Teacher ineptitude to cope with the OBE curriculum in the
classroom is a serious problem affecting large numbers of South
African teachers. This exploratory study sought to determine the
perceived negative impact of OBE and TBP on teachers. A survey
was conducted amongst 311 teachers in Port Elizabeth and Durban,
South Africa. The results confirm the very negative impact of TBP
and OBE on teachers. This exploratory study authenticates the
existence of TBP.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify ideal urban
design elements of waterfronts and to analyze the differences in users-
cognition among these elements. This study follows three steps as
following: first is identifying the urban design elements of waterfronts
from literature review and second is evaluating intended users-
cognition of urban design elements in urban waterfronts. Lastly, third
is analyzing the users- cognition differences. As the result, evaluations
of waterfront areas by users show similar features that non-waterfront
urban design elements contain the highest degree of importance. This
indicates the difference of users- cognition has dimensions of
frequency and distance, and demonstrates differences in the aspect of
importance than of satisfaction. Multi-Dimensional Scaling Method
verifies differences among their cognition. This study provides
elements to increase satisfaction of users from differences of their
cognition on design elements for waterfronts. It also suggests
implications on elements when waterfronts are built.
Abstract: Recently, it has been suggested that thought control strategies aimed at controlling unwanted thoughts may be used to cope with paranoid thoughts in both clinical and nonclinical samples. The current study aims to examine the type of thought control strategies that were associated with the frequency of paranoid thoughts in nonclinical samples. A total of 159 Japanese undergraduate students completed the two scales–the Paranoia Checklist and the Thought Control Questionnaire. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis demonstrated that worry-based control strategies were associated with paranoid thoughts, whereas distraction- and social-based control strategies were inversely associated with paranoid thoughts. Our findings suggest that in a nonclinical population, worry-based strategies may be especially maladaptive, whereas distraction- and social-based strategies may be adaptive to paranoid thoughts.
Abstract: In this research it is aimed that the effect of some demographic factors on Turkish Adolescents' subjective well being is investigated. 432 adolescents who are 247 girls and 185 boys are participated in this study. They are ages 15-17, and also are high school students. The Positive and Negative Affect Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale are used for measuring adolescents' subjective well being. The ANOVA method is used in order to examine the effect of ages. For gender differences, independent t-test method is used, and finally the Pearson Correlation method is used so as to examine the effect of socio economic statues of adolescents' parents. According to results, there is no gender difference on adolescents' subjective well being. On the other hand, SES and age are effect significantly lover level on adolescents' subjective well being.
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to determine if, among
32 brain injured adults in community rehabilitation programs, there is
a statistically significant relationship between the degree of severity
of brain injury and these adults- level of self-esteem and stress. The
researcher hypothesized there would be a statistically significant
difference and a statistically significant relationship in self-esteem
and stress levels among and TBI adults. A Pearson product moment
correlational analysis was implemented and results found a
statistically significant relationship between self-esteem and stress
levels. Future recommendations were suggested upon completion of
Abstract: A cross sectional survey design was used to collect
data from 370 diabetic patients. Two instruments were used in
obtaining data; in-depth interview guide and researchers- developed
questionnaire. Fisher's exact test was used to investigate association
between the identified factors and nonadherence. Factors identified
were: socio-demographic factors such as: gender, age, marital status,
educational level and occupation; psychosocial obstacles such as:
non-affordability of prescribed diet, frustration due to the restriction,
limited spousal support, feelings of deprivation, feeling that
temptation is inevitable, difficulty in adhering in social gatherings
and difficulty in revealing to host that one is diabetic; health care
providers obstacles were: poor attitude of health workers, irregular
diabetes education in clinics , limited number of nutrition education
sessions/ inability of the patients to estimate the desired quantity of
food, no reminder post cards or phone calls about upcoming patient
appointments and delayed start of appointment / time wasting in
Abstract: Brand name plays a vital role for in-shop buying
behavior of consumers and mutated brand name may affect the
selling of leading branded products. In Indian market, there are many
products with mutated brand names which are either orthographically
or phonologically similar. Due to presence of such products, Indian
consumers very often fall under confusion when buying some
regularly used stuff. Authors of the present paper have attempted to
demonstrate relationship between less attention and false recognition
of mutated brand names during a product selection process. To
achieve this goal, visual attention study was conducted on 15 male
college students using eye-tracker against a mutated brand name and
errors in recognition were noted using questionnaire. Statistical
analysis of the acquired data revealed that there was more false
recognition of mutated brand name when less attention was paid
during selection of favorite product. Moreover, it was perceived that
eye tracking is an effective tool for analyzing false recognition of
brand name mutation.
Abstract: A virtual collaborative classroom was created at East Carolina University, using videoconference technology via regular internet to bring students from 18 different countries, 2 at a time, to the ECU classroom in real time to learn about each other-s culture. Students from two countries are partnered one on one, they meet for 4-5 weeks, and submit a joint paper. Then the same process is repeated for two other countries. Lectures and student discussions are managed with pre-determined topics and questions. Classes are conducted in English and reading assignments are placed on the website. Administratively all partners are independent, students pay fees and get credits at their home institution. Familiarity with technology, knowledge in cultural understanding and attitude change were assessed, only attitude changes are reported in this paper. After taking this course, all students stated their comfort level in working with, and their desire to interact with, culturally different others grew stronger and their xenophobia and isolationist attitudes decreased.
Abstract: Cognitive Science appeared about 40 years ago,
subsequent to the challenge of the Artificial Intelligence, as common
territory for several scientific disciplines such as: IT, mathematics,
psychology, neurology, philosophy, sociology, and linguistics. The
new born science was justified by the complexity of the problems
related to the human knowledge on one hand, and on the other by the
fact that none of the above mentioned sciences could explain alone
the mental phenomena. Based on the data supplied by the
experimental sciences such as psychology or neurology, models of
the human mind operation are built in the cognition science. These
models are implemented in computer programs and/or electronic
circuits (specific to the artificial intelligence) – cognitive systems –
whose competences and performances are compared to the human
ones, leading to the psychology and neurology data reinterpretation,
respectively to the construction of new models. During these
processes if psychology provides the experimental basis, philosophy
and mathematics provides the abstraction level utterly necessary for
the intermission of the mentioned sciences.
The ongoing general problematic of the cognitive approach
provides two important types of approach: the computational one,
starting from the idea that the mental phenomenon can be reduced to
1 and 0 type calculus operations, and the connection one that
considers the thinking products as being a result of the interaction
between all the composing (included) systems. In the field of
psychology measurements in the computational register use classical
inquiries and psychometrical tests, generally based on calculus
methods. Deeming things from both sides that are representing the
cognitive science, we can notice a gap in psychological product
measurement possibilities, regarded from the connectionist
perspective, that requires the unitary understanding of the quality –
quantity whole. In such approach measurement by calculus proves to
be inefficient. Our researches, deployed for longer than 20 years,
lead to the conclusion that measuring by forms properly fits to the
connectionism laws and principles.
Abstract: International literature emphasizes on the concern regarding the phenomenon of aggression in hospital. This paper focuses on the reality of aggressive interactions reigning within an emergency triage involving three chaps of protagonists: the professionals, the patients and their carers. The data collection was made from a grid of observation, in which the various variables exposed in the literature were integrated. They observations took place around the clock, for three weeks, at the rate of one week a month. In this research 331 aggressive interactions have been listed and analyzed by means of the software SPSS. This research is one of the very few continuous observation surveys in the literature. It shows the various human factors at play in the emergence of aggressive interaction. The data may be used both for taking steps in primary prevention, thanks to the analysis of interaction modes, and in secondary prevention by integrating the useful results in situational prevention.
Abstract: The Zung self-depression scale and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used to study the depression and anxiety levels of Armenian Crohn's disease patients, as well as to reveal the relation between emotional status and placebo effect of these patients. Despite of registered high levels of depression and anxiety, the high placebo rate during investigations was described. The importance of use of psychotherapies for optimal outcomes during treatments of Crohn's disease is obvious.
Abstract: This paper presented the technique of robot control by event-related potentials (ERPs) of brain waves. Based on the proposed technique, severe physical disabilities can free browse outside world. A specific component of ERPs, N2P3, was found and used to control the movement of robot and the view of camera on the designed brain-computer interface (BCI). Users only required watching the stimuli of attended button on the BCI, the evoked potentials of brain waves of the target button, N2P3, had the greatest amplitude among all control buttons. An experimental scene had been constructed that the robot required walking to a specific position and move the view of camera to see the instruction of the mission, and then completed the task. Twelve volunteers participated in this experiment, and experimental results showed that the correct rate of BCI control achieved 80% and the average of execution time was 353 seconds for completing the mission. Four main contributions included in this research: (1) find an efficient component of ERPs, N2P3, for BCI control, (2) embed robot's viewpoint image into user interface for robot control, (3) design an experimental scene and conduct the experiment, and (4) evaluate the performance of the proposed system for assessing the practicability.
Abstract: One of the vital developmental tasks that an
individual faces during adolescence is choosing a career. Arriving at
a career decision is difficult and anxious for many adolescents in the
tertiary level. The main purpose of this study is to determine the
factors relating to career indecision among freshmen college students
as basis for the formulation of a comprehensive career counseling
program for the psychological well-being of freshmen university
students. The subjects were purposively selected. The Slovin-s
formula was used in determining the sample size, using a 0.05
margin of error in getting the total number of samples per college and
per major. The researcher made use of descriptive correlational study
in determining significant factors relating to career indecision.
Multiple Regression Analysis indicated that career thoughts, career
decisions and vocational identity as factors related to career
Abstract: Increase in using internet makes some problems that
one of them is "internet anxiety". Internet anxiety is a type of anxious
that people may feel during surfing internet or using internet for their
educational purpose, blogging or streaming to digital libraries. The
goal of this study is evaluating of internet anxiety among the
management students. In this research Ealy's internet anxiety
questionnaire, consists of positive and negative items, is completed
by 310 participants. According to the findings, about 64.7% of them
were equal or below to mean anxiety score (50). The distribution of
internet anxiety scores was normal and there was no meaningful
difference between men-s and women's anxiety level in this sample.
Results also showed that there is no meaningful difference of internet
anxiety level between different fields of study in Management. This
evaluation will help managers to perform gap analysis between the
existent level and the desired one. Future work would be providing
techniques for abating human anxiety while using internet via human
computer interaction techniques.
Abstract: This experimental study examined the relationship
between pretend play and false-belief. Eighteen-month-old children
engaged in pretend play with an experimenter using various controlled
behaviors and performed a false-belief task. The results showed that
the children who understood pretend play performed better on the
false-belief task. This suggests that pretended play and false-belief are
related at the age of 18 months.