Abstract: Many optimization techniques available in the literature have been developed in order to solve the problem of voltage stability enhancement in power systems. However, there are a number of drawbacks in the use of previous techniques aimed at determining the optimal location and size of reactive compensators in a network. In this paper, an Improved Cuckoo Search algorithm is applied as an appropriate optimization algorithm to determine the optimum location and size of a Static Var Compensator (SVC) in a transmission network. The main objectives are voltage stability improvement and total cost minimization. The results of the presented technique are then compared with other available optimization techniques.
Abstract: This paper investigates the performance comparison of SVC (Static VAR Compensator) and DSTATCOM (Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator) to improve voltage stability in Radial Distribution System (RDS) which are efficient FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) devices that are capable of controlling the active and reactive power flows in a power system line by appropriately controlling parameters using ANFIS. Simulations are carried out in MATLAB/Simulink environment for the IEEE-4 bus system to test the ability of increasing load. It is found that these controllers significantly increase the margin of load in the power systems.
Abstract: Increasingly complex modern power systems require
stability, especially for transient and small disturbances. Transient
stability plays a major role in stability during fault and large
disturbance. This paper compares a power system stabilizer (PSS)
and static Var compensator (SVC) to improve damping oscillation
and enhance transient stability. The effectiveness of a PSS connected
to the exciter and/or governor in damping electromechanical
oscillations of isolated synchronous generator was tested. The SVC
device is a member of the shunt FACTS (flexible alternating current
transmission system) family, utilized in power transmission systems.
The designed model was tested with a multi-machine system
consisting of four machines six bus, using MATLAB/SIMULINK
software. The results obtained indicate that SVC solutions are better
than PSS.
Abstract: The recent interest in alternative and renewable
energy systems results in increased installed capacity ratio of such
systems in total energy production of the world. Specifically, Wind
Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) draw significant attention
among possible alternative energy options, recently. On the contrary
of the positive points of penetrating WECS in all over the world in
terms of environment protection, energy independence of the
countries, etc., there are significant problems to be solved for the grid
connection of large scale WECS. The reactive power regulation,
voltage variation suppression, etc. can be presented as major issues to
be considered in this regard. Thus, this paper evaluates the
application of a Static VAr Compensator (SVC) unit for the reactive
power regulation and operation continuity of WECS during a fault
condition. The system is modeled employing the IEEE 13 node test
system. Thus, it is possible to evaluate the system performance with
an overall grid simulation model close to real grid systems. The
overall simulation model is developed in
MATLAB/Simulink/SimPowerSystems® environments and the
obtained results effectively match the target of the provided study.
Abstract: In this paper an isolated wind-diesel hybrid power
system has been considered for reactive power control study having
an induction generator for wind power conversion and synchronous
alternator with automatic voltage regulator (AVR) for diesel unit is
presented. The dynamic voltage stability evaluation is dependent on
small signal analysis considering a Static VAR Compensator (SVC)
and IEEE type -I excitation system. It's shown that the variable
reactive power source like SVC is crucial to meet the varying
demand of reactive power by induction generator and load and to
acquire an excellent voltage regulation of the system with minimum
fluctuations. Integral square error (ISE) criterion can be used to
evaluate the optimum setting of gain parameters. Finally the dynamic
responses of the power systems considered with optimum gain setting
will also be presented.
Abstract: In this article, coordinated tuning of power system stabilizer (PSS) with static var compensator (SVC) and thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in multi-machine power system is proposed. The design of proposed coordinated damping controller is formulated as an optimization problem and the controller gains are optimized instantaneously using advanced adaptive particle swarm optimization (AAPSO). The objective function is framed with the inter-area speed deviations of the generators and it is minimized using AAPSO to improve the dynamic stability of power system under severe disturbance. The proposed coordinated controller performance is evaluated under a wide range of system operating conditions with three-phase fault disturbance. Using time domain simulations the damping characteristics of proposed controller is compared with individually tuned PSS, SVC and TCSC controllers. Finally, the real-time simulations are carried out in Opal-RT hardware simulator to synchronize the proposed controller performance in the real world.
Abstract: In this paper the application of a hierarchical fuzzy system (HFS) based on MPSS and SVC in multi-machine environment is studied. Also the effect of communication lines active power variance signal between two ΔPTie-line regions, as one of the inputs of hierarchical fuzzy multi-input PSS and SVC (HFMPSS & SVC), on the increase of low frequency oscillation damping is examined. In the MPSS, to have better efficiency an auxiliary signal of reactive power deviation (ΔQ) is added with ΔP+ Δω input type PSS. The number of rules grows exponentially with the number of variables in a classic fuzzy system. To reduce the number of rules the HFS consists of a number of low-dimensional fuzzy systems in a hierarchical structure. Phasor model of SVC is described and used in this paper. The performances of MPSS and ΔPTie-line based HFMPSS and also the proposed method in damping inter-area mode of oscillation are examined in response to disturbances. The efficiency of the proposed model is examined by simulating a four-machine power system. Results show that the proposed method is performing satisfactorily within the whole range of disturbances and reduces the cost of system.
Abstract: Power-system stability improvement by simultaneous tuning of power system stabilizer (PSS) and a Static Var Compensator (SVC) based damping controller is thoroughly investigated in this paper. Both local and remote signals with associated time delays are considered in the present study. The design problem of the proposed controller is formulated as an optimization problem, and differential evolution (DE) algorithm is employed to search for the optimal controller parameters. The performances of the proposed controllers are evaluated under different disturbances for both single-machine infinite bus power system and multi-machine power system. The performance of the proposed controllers with variations in the signal transmission delays has also been investigated. The proposed stabilizers are tested on a weakly connected power system subjected to different disturbances. Nonlinear simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed control schemes over a wide range of loading conditions and disturbances. Further, the proposed design approach is found to be robust and improves stability effectively even under small disturbance conditions.
Abstract: Modern industrial processes are based on a large amount of electronic devices such as programmable logic controllers and adjustable speed drives. Unfortunately, electronic devices are sensitive to disturbances, and thus, industrial loads become less tolerant to power quality problems such as sags, swells, and harmonics. Voltage sags are an important power quality problem. In this paper proposed a new configuration of Static Var Compensator (SVC) considering three different conditions named as topologies and Booster transformer with fuzzy logic based controller, capable of compensating for power quality problems associated with voltage sags and maintaining a prescribed level of voltage profile. Fuzzy logic controller is designed to achieve the firing angles for SVC such that it maintains voltage profile. The online monitoring system for voltage sag mitigation in the laboratory using the hardware is used. The results are presented from the performance of each topology and Booster transformer considered in this paper.
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology to assess the voltage stability status combined with optimal power flow technique using an instantaneous two-bus equivalent model of power system incorporating static var compensator (SVC) and thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) controllers. There by, a generalized global voltage stability indicator being developed has been applied to a robust practical Indian Eastern Grid 203-bus system. Simulation results have proved that the proposed methodology is promising to assess voltage stability of any power system at any operating point in global scenario. Voltage stability augmentation with the application of SVC at the weakest bus and TCSC at critical line connected to the weakest bus is compared with the system having no compensation. In the proposed network equivalent model the generators have been modeled more accurately considering economic criteria.
Abstract: In this paper, a novel method using Bees Algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal allocation of FACTS devices for maximizing the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) of power transactions between source and sink areas in the deregulated power system. The algorithm simultaneously searches the FACTS location, FACTS parameters and FACTS types. Two types of FACTS are simulated in this study namely Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) and Static Var Compensator (SVC). A Repeated Power Flow with FACTS devices including ATC is used to evaluate the feasible ATC value within real and reactive power generation limits, line thermal limits, voltage limits and FACTS operation limits. An IEEE30 bus system is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm as an optimization tool to enhance ATC. A Genetic Algorithm technique is used for validation purposes. The results clearly indicate that the introduction of FACTS devices in a right combination of location and parameters could enhance ATC and Bees Algorithm can be efficiently used for this kind of nonlinear integer optimization.
Abstract: Electricity market activities and a growing demand for electricity have led to heavily stressed power systems. This requires operation of the networks closer to their stability limits. Power system operation is affected by stability related problems, leading to unpredictable system behavior. Voltage stability refers to the ability of a power system to sustain appropriate voltage levels through large and small disturbances. Steady-state voltage stability is concerned with limits on the existence of steady-state operating points for the network. FACTS devices can be utilized to increase the transmission capacity, the stability margin and dynamic behavior or serve to ensure improved power quality. Their main capabilities are reactive power compensation, voltage control and power flow control. Among the FACTS controllers, Static Var Compensator (SVC) provides fast acting dynamic reactive compensation for voltage support during contingency events. In this paper, voltage stability assessment with appropriate representations of tap-changer transformers and SVC is investigated. Integrating both of these devices is the main topic of this paper. Effect of the presence of tap-changing transformers on static VAR compensator controller parameters and ratings necessary to stabilize load voltages at certain values are highlighted. The interrelation between transformer off nominal tap ratios and the SVC controller gains and droop slopes and the SVC rating are found. P-V curves are constructed to calculate loadability margins.
Abstract: This paper proposes the application of a hierarchical fuzzy system (HFS) based on multi-input power system stabilizer (MPSS) and also Static Var Compensator (SVC) in multi-machine environment.The number of rules grows exponentially with the number of variables in a conventional fuzzy logic system. The proposed HFS method is developed to solve this problem. To reduce the number of rules the HFS consists of a number of low-dimensional fuzzy systems in a hierarchical structure. In fact, by using HFS the total number of involved rules increases only linearly with the number of input variables. In the MPSS, to have better efficiency an auxiliary signal of reactive power deviation (ΔQ) is added with ΔP+ Δω input type Power system stabilizer (PSS). Phasor model of SVC is described and used in this paper. The performances of MPSS, Conventional power system stabilizer (CPSS), hierarchical Fuzzy Multi-input Power System Stabilizer (HFMPSS) and the proposed method in damping inter-area mode of oscillation are examined in response to disturbances. By using digital simulations the comparative study is illustrated. It can be seen that the proposed PSS is performing satisfactorily within the whole range of disturbances.
Abstract: Electrical distribution systems are incurring large losses as the loads are wide spread, inadequate reactive power compensation facilities and their improper control. A comprehensive static VAR compensator consisting of capacitor bank in five binary sequential steps in conjunction with a thyristor controlled reactor of smallest step size is employed in the investigative work. The work deals with the performance evaluation through analytical studies and practical implementation on an existing system. A fast acting error adaptive controller is developed suitable both for contactor and thyristor switched capacitors. The switching operations achieved are transient free, practically no need to provide inrush current limiting reactors, TCR size minimum providing small percentages of nontriplen harmonics, facilitates stepless variation of reactive power depending on load requirement so as maintain power factor near unity always. It is elegant, closed loop microcontroller system having the features of self regulation in adaptive mode for automatic adjustment. It is successfully tested on a distribution transformer of three phase 50 Hz, Dy11, 11KV/440V, 125 KVA capacity and the functional feasibility and technical soundness are established. The controller developed is new, adaptable to both LT & HT systems and practically established to be giving reliable performance.
Abstract: Static Var Compensator (SVC) is a shunt type FACTS
device which is used in power system primarily for the purpose of
voltage and reactive power control. In this paper, a fuzzy logic based
supplementary controller for Static Var Compensator (SVC) is
developed which is used for damping the rotor angle oscillations and
to improve the transient stability of the power system. Generator
speed and the electrical power are chosen as input signals for the
Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The effectiveness and feasibility of
the proposed control is demonstrated with Single Machine Infinite
Bus (SMIB) system and multimachine system (WSCC System)
which show improvement over the use of a fixed parameter
Abstract: Power system stability enhancement by simultaneous tuning of a Power System Stabilizer (PSS) and a Static Var Compensator (SVC)-based controller is thoroughly investigated in this paper. The coordination among the proposed damping stabilizers and the SVC internal voltage regulators has also been taken into consideration. The design problem is formulated as an optimization problem with a time-domain simulation-based objective function and Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) is employed to search for optimal controller parameters. The proposed stabilizers are tested on a weakly connected power system with different disturbances and loading conditions. The nonlinear simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed control schemes over a wide range of loading conditions and disturbances. Further, the proposed design approach is found to be robust and improves stability effectively even under small disturbance and unbalanced fault conditions.
Abstract: At any point of time, a power system operating
condition should be stable, meeting various operational criteria and it
should also be secure in the event of any credible contingency. Present
day power systems are being operated closer to their stability limits
due to economic and environmental constraints. Maintaining a stable
and secure operation of a power system is therefore a very important
and challenging issue. Voltage instability has been given much
attention by power system researchers and planners in recent years,
and is being regarded as one of the major sources of power system
insecurity. Voltage instability phenomena are the ones in which the
receiving end voltage decreases well below its normal value and does
not come back even after setting restoring mechanisms such as VAR
compensators, or continues to oscillate for lack of damping against the
disturbances. Reactive power limit of power system is one of the major
causes of voltage instability. This paper investigates the effects of
coordinated series capacitors (SC) with static VAR compensators
(SVC) on steady-state voltage stability of a power system. Also, the
influence of the presence of series capacitor on static VAR
compensator controller parameters and ratings required to stabilize
load voltages at certain values are highlighted.