Abstract: Even its content is rich in antioxidants ϒ-oryzanol, rice bran is not used properly as functional food. This research aims to (1) extract ϒ-oryzanol; (2) determine the solubility of ϒ-oryzanol in supercritical CO2 based on phase equilibrium theory; and (3) study the effect of process variables on solubility. Extraction experiments were carried out for rice bran (5 g) at various extraction pressures, temperatures and reaction times. The flowrate of supercritical fluid through the extraction vessel was 25 g/min. The extracts were collected and analysed with high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The conclusion based on the experiments are as: (1) The highest experimental solubility was 0.303 mcg/mL RBO at T= 60°C, P= 90 atm, t= 30 min; (2) Solubility of ϒ-oryzanol was influenced by pressure and temperature. As the pressure and temperature increase, the solubility increases; (3) The solubility data of supercritical extraction can be successfully determined using phase equilibrium theory. Meanwhile, tocopherol was found and slightly investigated in this work.
Abstract: Effect of alloying on the microstructure and mechanical properties of heat-resisting duplex stainless steel (DSS) for Mg production was investigated in this study. 25Cr-8Ni based DSS’s were cast into rectangular ingots of which the dimension was 350×350×100 mm3 . Nitrogen and Yttrium were added in the range within 0.3 in weight percent. Phase equilibrium was calculated using the FactSage®, thermodynamic software. Hot exposure, high temperature tensile and compression tests were conducted on the ingots at 1230oC, which is operation temperature employed for Mg production by Silico-thermic reduction. The steel with N and Y showed much higher strength than 310S alloy in both tensile and compression tests. By thermal exposition at 1230oC for 200 hrs, hardness of DSS containing N and Y was found to increase. Hot workability of the heat-resisting DSS was evaluated by employing hot rolling at 1230 oC. Hot shortness was observed in the ingot with N and found to disappear after addition of Y.
Abstract: High temperature deformation behavior of cast 310S stainless steel has been investigated in this study by performing tensile and compression tests at temperatures from 900 to 1200oC. Rectangular ingots of which the dimensions were 350×350×100 in millimeter were cast using vacuum induction melting. Phase equilibrium was calculated using the FactSage®, thermodynamic software and database. Thermal expansion coefficient was also measured on the ingot in the temperature range from room temperature to 1200oC. Tensile strength of cast 310S stainless steel was 9 MPa at 1200oC, which is a little higher than that of a wrought 310S. With temperature decreased, tensile strength increased rapidly and reached up to 72 MPa at 900oC. Elongation also increased with temperature decreased. Microstructure observation revealed that s phase was precipitated along the grain boundary and within the matrix over 1200oC, which is detrimental to high temperature elongation.
Abstract: High strength Fe-36Ni-base Invar alloys containing Al contents up to 0.3 weight percent were cast into ingots and thermodynamic equilibrium during solidification has been investigated in this study. From the thermodynamic simulation using Thermo-Calc®, it has been revealed that equilibrium phases which can be formed are two kinds of MC-type precipitates, MoC, and M2C carbides. The mu phase was also expected to form by addition of aluminum. Microstructure observation revealed the coarse precipitates in the as-cast ingots, which was non-equilibrium phase and could be resolved by the successive heat treatment. With increasing Al contents up to 0.3 wt.%, tensile strength of Invar alloy increased as 1400MPa after cold rolling and thermal expansion coefficient increased significantly. Cold rolling appeared to dramatically decrease thermal expansion coefficient.
Abstract: The effect of Yttrium addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Sn-Zn eutectic alloy, which has been attracting intensive focus as a Pb-free solder material, was investigated in this study. Phase equilibrium has been calculated by using FactSage® to evaluate the composition and fraction of equilibrium intermetallic compounds and construct a phase diagram. In the case of Sn-8.8Zn eutectic alloy, the as-cast microstructure was typical lamellar. With addition of 0.25wt.%Y, a large amount of pro-eutectic a phase have been observed and various YZnx intermetallic compounds were expected to successively form during cooling. Hardness of Sn-8.8Zn alloy was not affected by Y-addition and both alloys could be rolled by 90% at room temperature.
Abstract: Group contribution methods such as the UNIFAC are
very useful to researchers and engineers involved in synthesis,
feasibility studies, design and optimization of separation processes.
They can be applied successfully to predict phase equilibrium and
excess properties in the development of chemical and separation
processes. The main focus of this work was to investigate the
possibility of absorbing selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) using three selected UNIFAC
group contribution methods. Absorption followed by subsequent
stripping is the predominant available abatement technology of
VOCs from flue gases prior to their release into the atmosphere. The
original, modified and effective UNIFAC models were used in this
work. The thirteen selected VOCs that have been considered in this
research are: pentane, hexane, heptanes, trimethylamine, toluene,
xylene, cyclohexane, butyl acetate, diethyl acetate, chloroform,
acetone, ethyl methyl ketone and isobutyl methyl ketone. The
computation was done for solute VOC concentration of 8.55x10-8
which is well in the infinite dilution region. The results obtained in
this study compare very well with those published in literature
obtained through both measurements and predictions. The phase
equilibrium obtained in this study show that PDMS is a good
absorbent for the removal of VOCs from contaminated air streams
through physical absorption.
Abstract: α-Pinene is the main component of the most
turpentine oils. The hydration of α-pinene with acid catalysts leads to
a complex mixture of monoterpenes. In order to obtain more valuable
products, the α-pinene in the turpentine can be hydrated in dilute
mineral acid solutions to produce α-terpineol. The design of
separation processes requires information on phase equilibrium and
related thermodynamic properties. This paper reports the results of
study on liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) of system containing α-
pinene + water and α-terpineol + water.
Binary LLE for α-pinene + water system, and α-terpineol + water
systems were determined by experiment at 301K and atmospheric
pressure. The two component mixture was stirred for about 30min,
then the mixture was left for about 2h for complete phase separation.
The composition of both phases was analyzed by using a Gas
Chromatograph. The experimental data were correlated by
considering both NRTL and UNIQUAC activity coefficient models.
The LLE data for the system of α-pinene + water and α-terpineol +
water were correlated successfully by the NRTL model. The
experimental data were not satisfactorily fitted by the UNIQUAC
model. The NRTL model (α =0.3) correlates the LLE data for the
system of α-pinene + water at 301K with RMSD of 0.0404%. And
the NRTL model (α =0.61) at 301K with RMSD of 0.0058 %. The
NRTL model (α =0.3) correlates the LLE data for the system of α-
terpineol + water at 301K with RMSD of 0.1487% and the NRTL
model (α =0.6) at 301K with RMSD of 0.0032%, between the
experimental and calculated mole fractions.
Abstract: In the previous multi-solid models,¤ò approach is
used for the calculation of fugacity in the liquid phase. For the first
time, in the proposed multi-solid thermodynamic model,γ approach
has been used for calculation of fugacity in the liquid mixture.
Therefore, some activity coefficient models have been studied that
the results show that the predictive Wilson model is more appropriate
than others. The results demonstrate γ approach using the predictive
Wilson model is in more agreement with experimental data than the
previous multi-solid models. Also, by this method, generates a new
approach for presenting stability analysis in phase equilibrium
calculations. Meanwhile, the run time in γ approach is less than the
previous methods used ¤ò approach. The results of the new model
present 0.75 AAD % (Average Absolute Deviation) from the
experimental data which is less than the results error of the previous
multi-solid models obviously.
Abstract: This work considered the thermodynamic feasibility
of scrubbing volatile organic compounds into biodiesel in view of
designing a gas treatment process with this absorbent. A detailed
vapour – liquid equilibrium investigation was performed using the
original UNIFAC group contribution method. The four biodiesels
studied in this work are methyl oleate, methyl palmitate, methyl
linolenate and ethyl stearate. The original UNIFAC procedure was
used to estimate the infinite dilution activity coefficients of 13
selected volatile organic compounds in the biodiesels. The
calculations were done at the VOC mole fraction of 9.213x10-8. Ethyl
stearate gave the most favourable phase equilibrium. A close
agreement was found between the infinite dilution activity coefficient
of toluene found in this work and those reported in literature.
Thermodynamic models can efficiently be used to calculate vast
amount of phase equilibrium behaviour using limited number of
experimental data.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to compare the solubility of selected volatile organic compounds in water and silicon oil using the simple static headspace method. The experimental design allowed equilibrium achievement within 30 – 60 minutes. Infinite dilution activity coefficients and Henry-s law constants for various organics representing esters, ketones, alkanes, aromatics, cycloalkanes and amines were measured at 303K. The measurements were reproducible with a relative standard deviation and coefficient of variation of 1.3x10-3 and 1.3 respectively. The static determined activity coefficients using shaker flasks were reasonably comparable to those obtained using the gas liquid - chromatographic technique and those predicted using the group contribution methods mainly the UNIFAC. Silicon oil chemically known as polydimethysiloxane was found to be better absorbent for VOCs than water which quickly becomes saturated. For example the infinite dilution mole fraction based activity coefficients of hexane is 0.503 and 277 000 in silicon oil and water respectively. Thus silicon oil gives a superior factor of 550 696. Henry-s law constants and activity coefficients at infinite dilution play a significant role in the design of scrubbers for abatement of volatile organic compounds from contaminated air streams. This paper presents the phase equilibrium of volatile organic compounds in very dilute aqueous and polymeric solutions indicating the movement and fate of chemical in air and solvent. The successful comparison of the results obtained here and those obtained using other methods by the same authors and in literature, means that the results obtained here are reliable.
Abstract: The phase diagrams and compositions of coexisting
phases have been determined for aqueous two-phase systems
containing poly(propylene glycol) with average molecular weight of
425 and sodium citrate at various pH of 3.93, 4.44, 4.6, 4.97, 5.1,
8.22. The effect of pH on the salting-out effect of poly (propylene
glycol) by sodium citrate has been studied. It was found that, an
increasing in pH caused the expansion of two-phase region.
Increasing pH also increases the concentration of PPG in the PPGrich
phase, while the salt-rich phase will be somewhat mole diluted.
Abstract: Group contribution methods such as the UNIFAC are
of major interest to researchers and engineers involved synthesis,
feasibility studies, design and optimization of separation processes as
well as other applications of industrial use. Reliable knowledge of
the phase equilibrium behavior is crucial for the prediction of the fate
of the chemical in the environment and other applications. The
objective of this study was to predict the solubility of selected
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in glycol polymers and
biodiesel. Measurements can be expensive and time consuming,
hence the need for thermodynamic models. The results obtained in
this study for the infinite dilution activity coefficients compare very
well those published in literature obtained through measurements. It
is suggested that in preliminary design or feasibility studies of
absorption systems for the abatement of volatile organic compounds,
prediction procedures should be implemented while accurate fluid
phase equilibrium data should be obtained from experiment.