Abstract: With the increasing interest on Ti alloys, the extraction process of Ti from its typical ore, TiO2, has long been and will be important issue. As an intermediate product for the production of pigment or titanium metal sponge, tetrachloride (TiCl4) is produced by fluidized bed using high TiO2 feedstock. The purity of TiCl4 after chlorination is subjected to the quality of the titanium feedstock. Since the impurities in the TiCl4 product are reported to final products, the purification process of the crude TiCl4 is required. The purification process includes fractional distillation and chemical treatment, which depends on the nature of the impurities present and the required quality of the final product. In this study, thermodynamic analysis on the impurity effect in the chlorination process, which is the first step of extraction of Ti from TiO2, has been conducted. All thermodynamic calculations were performed using the FactSage thermodynamical software.
Abstract: In this study, thermal fatigue properties of 400 series
ferritic stainless steels have been evaluated in the temperature ranges
of 200-800oC and 200-900oC. Systematic methods for control of
temperatures within the predetermined range and measurement of load
applied to specimens as a function of temperature during thermal
cycles have been established. Thermal fatigue tests were conducted
under fully constrained condition, where both ends of specimens were
completely fixed. It has been revealed that load relaxation behavior at
the temperatures of thermal cycle was closely related with the thermal
fatigue property. Thermal fatigue resistance of 430J1L stainless steel
is found to be superior to the other steels.
Abstract: Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91D
Mg alloys for nonflammable use, containing Ca and Y, were
investigated in this study. Solid solution treatment of AZ91D Mg alloy
with Ca and Y was successfully conducted at 420oC and
supersaturated microstructure with almost all beta phases resolved into
matrix was obtained. After solid solution treatment, the alloy was
annealed at temperatures of 180 and 200oC for time intervals from 1
min to 48 hrs and hardness of each condition was measured by
micro-Vickers method. Peak aging conditions were deduced from the
results as at the temperature of 200oC for 10 hrs. Hot rolling was also
carried out at 400oC by the reduction ratio of 0.6 through 5 passes
followed by recrystallization treatment. Tensile and compressive
properties were measured at room temperature on the specimens of
each process, i.e. as-cast, solution treatment, hot rolling, and
Abstract: Phase equilibria of AZ91D Mg alloys for
nonflammable use, containing Ca and Y, were carried out by using
FactSage® and FTLite database, which revealed that solid solution
treatment could be performed at temperatures from 400 to 450oC.
Solid solution treatment of AZ91D Mg alloy without Ca and Y was
successfully conducted at 420oC and supersaturated microstructure
with all beta phase resolved into matrix was obtained. In the case of
AZ91D Mg alloy with some Ca and Y; however, a little amount of
intermetallic particles were observed after solid solution treatment.
After solid solution treatment, each alloy was annealed at temperatures
of 180 and 200oC for time intervals from 1 min to 48 hrs and hardness
of each condition was measured by micro-Vickers method. Peak aging
conditions were deduced as at the temperature of 200oC for 10 hrs.
Abstract: High strength Fe-36Ni-base Invar alloys containing Al contents up to 0.3 weight percent were cast into ingots and thermodynamic equilibrium during solidification has been investigated in this study. From the thermodynamic simulation using Thermo-Calc®, it has been revealed that equilibrium phases which can be formed are two kinds of MC-type precipitates, MoC, and M2C carbides. The mu phase was also expected to form by addition of aluminum. Microstructure observation revealed the coarse precipitates in the as-cast ingots, which was non-equilibrium phase and could be resolved by the successive heat treatment. With increasing Al contents up to 0.3 wt.%, tensile strength of Invar alloy increased as 1400MPa after cold rolling and thermal expansion coefficient increased significantly. Cold rolling appeared to dramatically decrease thermal expansion coefficient.
Abstract: Spheroidization heat treatment was conducted on the SK85 high carbon steel sheets with various initial microstructures obtained after cold rolling by various reduction ratios at a couple of annealing temperatures. On the high carbon steel sheet with fine pearlite microstructure, obtained by soaking at 800oC for 2hr in a box furnace and then annealing at 570oC for 5min in a salt bath furnace followed by water quenching, cold rolling was conducted by reduction ratios of 20, 30, and 40%. Heat treatment for spheroidization was carried out at 600 and 720oC for the various time intervals from 0.1 to 32 hrs. Area fraction of spheroidized cementite was measured with an image analyzer as a function of cold reduction ratios and duration times. Tensile tests were carried out at room temperature on the spheoidized high carbon steel.
Abstract: The hot deformation behavior of high strength low
alloy (HSLA) steels with different chemical compositions under hot
working conditions in the temperature range of 900 to 1100℃ and
strain rate range from 0.1 to 10 s-1 has been studied by performing a
series of hot compression tests. The dynamic materials model has been
employed for developing the processing maps, which show variation
of the efficiency of power dissipation with temperature and strain rate.
Also the Kumar-s model has been used for developing the instability
map, which shows variation of the instability for plastic deformation
with temperature and strain rate. The efficiency of power dissipation
increased with decreasing strain rate and increasing temperature in the
steel with higher Cr and Ti content. High efficiency of power
dissipation over 20 % was obtained at a finite strain level of 0.1 under
the conditions of strain rate lower than 1 s-1 and temperature higher
than 1050 ℃ . Plastic instability was expected in the regime of
temperatures lower than 1000 ℃ and strain rate lower than 0.3 s-1. Steel
with lower Cr and Ti contents showed high efficiency of power
dissipation at higher strain rate and lower temperature conditions.
Abstract: Superplastic deformation and high temperature load
relaxation behavior of coarse-grained iron aluminides with the
composition of Fe-28 at.% Al have been investigated. A series of load
relaxation and tensile tests were conducted at temperatures ranging
from 600 to 850oC. The flow curves obtained from load relaxation
tests were found to have a sigmoidal shape and to exhibit stress vs.
strain rate data in a very wide strain rate range from 10-7/s to 10-2/s.
Tensile tests have been conducted at various initial strain rates ranging
from 3×10-5/s to 1×10-2/s. Maximum elongation of ~500 % was
obtained at the initial strain rate of 3×10-5/s and the maximum strain
rate sensitivity was found to be 0.68 at 850oC in binary Fe-28Al alloy.
Microstructure observation through the optical microscopy (OM) and
the electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) technique has been
carried out on the deformed specimens and it has revealed the
evidences for grain boundary migration and grain refinement to occur
during superplastic deformation, suggesting the dynamic
recrystallization mechanism. The addition of Cr by the amount of 5
at.% appeared to deteriorate the superplasticity of the binary iron
aluminide. By applying the internal variable theory of structural
superplasticity, the addition of Cr has been revealed to lower the
contribution of the frictional resistance to dislocation glide during high
temperature deformation of the Fe3Al alloy.