Using SNAP and RADTRAD to Establish the Analysis Model for Maanshan PWR Plant

In this study, we focus on the establishment of the analysis model for Maanshan PWR nuclear power plant (NPP) by using RADTRAD and SNAP codes with the FSAR, manuals, and other data. In order to evaluate the cumulative dose at the Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) and Low Population Zone (LPZ) outer boundary, Maanshan NPP RADTRAD/SNAP model was used to perform the analysis of the DBA LOCA case. The analysis results of RADTRAD were similar to FSAR data. These analysis results were lower than the failure criteria of 10 CFR 100.11 (a total radiation dose to the whole body, 250 mSv; a total radiation dose to the thyroid from iodine exposure, 3000 mSv).

The Analysis of TRACE/FRAPTRAN in the Fuel Rods of Maanshan PWR for LBLOCA

Fuel rod analysis program transient (FRAPTRAN)  code was used to study the fuel rod performance during a postulated  large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) in Maanshan nuclear  power plant (NPP). Previous transient results from thermal hydraulic  code, TRACE, with the same LBLOCA scenario, were used as input  boundary conditions for FRAPTRAN. The simulation results showed  that the peak cladding temperatures and the fuel centerline  temperatures were all below the 10CFR50.46 LOCA criteria. In  addition, the maximum hoop stress was 18 MPa and the oxide  thickness was 0.003mm for the present simulation cases, which are all  within the safety operation ranges. The present study confirms that this  analysis method, the FRAPTRAN code combined with TRACE, is an  appropriate approach to predict the fuel integrity under LBLOCA with  operational ECCS.