A Contractor for the Symmetric Solution Set

The symmetric solution set Σ sym is the set of all solutions to the linear systems Ax = b, where A is symmetric and lies between some given bounds A and A, and b lies between b and b. We present a contractor for Σ sym, which is an iterative method that starts with some initial enclosure of Σ sym (by means of a cartesian product of intervals) and sequentially makes the enclosure tighter. Our contractor is based on polyhedral approximation and solving a series of linear programs. Even though it does not converge to the optimal bounds in general, it may significantly reduce the overestimation. The efficiency is discussed by a number of numerical experiments.

A Novel System of Two Coupled Equations for the Longitudinal Components of the Electromagnetic Field in a Waveguide

In this paper, a novel wave equation for electromagnetic waves in a medium having anisotropic permittivity has been derived with the help of Maxwell-s curl equations. The x and y components of the Maxwell-s equations are written with the permittivity () being a 3 × 3 symmetric matrix. These equations are solved for Ex , Ey, Hx, Hy in terms of Ez, Hz, and the partial derivatives. The Z components of the Maxwell-s curl are then used to arrive to the generalized Helmholtz equations for Ez and Hz.

Weighted Harmonic Arnoldi Method for Large Interior Eigenproblems

The harmonic Arnoldi method can be used to find interior eigenpairs of large matrices. However, it has been shown that this method may converge erratically and even may fail to do so. In this paper, we present a new method for computing interior eigenpairs of large nonsymmetric matrices, which is called weighted harmonic Arnoldi method. The implementation of the method has been tested by numerical examples, the results show that the method converges fast and works with high accuracy.