Method of Moments Applied to a Cuboidal Cavity Resonator: Effect of Gravitational Field Produced by a Black Hole

This paper deals with the formulation of Maxwell-s equations in a cavity resonator in the presence of the gravitational field produced by a blackhole. The metric of space-time due to the blackhole is the Schwarzchild metric. Conventionally, this is expressed in spherical polar coordinates. In order to adapt this metric to our problem, we have considered this metric in a small region close to the blackhole and expressed this metric in a cartesian system locally.

Action Functional of the Electomagnetic Field: Effect of Gravitation

The scalar wave equation for a potential in a curved space time, i.e., the Laplace-Beltrami equation has been studied in this work. An action principle is used to derive a finite element algorithm for determining the modes of propagation inside a waveguide of arbitrary shape. Generalizing this idea, the Maxwell theory in a curved space time determines a set of linear partial differential equations for the four electromagnetic potentials given by the metric of space-time. Similar to the Einstein-s formulation of the field equations of gravitation, these equations are also derived from an action principle. In this paper, the expressions for the action functional of the electromagnetic field have been derived in the presence of gravitational field.

A Novel System of Two Coupled Equations for the Longitudinal Components of the Electromagnetic Field in a Waveguide

In this paper, a novel wave equation for electromagnetic waves in a medium having anisotropic permittivity has been derived with the help of Maxwell-s curl equations. The x and y components of the Maxwell-s equations are written with the permittivity () being a 3 × 3 symmetric matrix. These equations are solved for Ex , Ey, Hx, Hy in terms of Ez, Hz, and the partial derivatives. The Z components of the Maxwell-s curl are then used to arrive to the generalized Helmholtz equations for Ez and Hz.