A Genetic Based Algorithm to Generate Random Simple Polygons Using a New Polygon Merge Algorithm

In this paper a new algorithm to generate random simple polygons from a given set of points in a two dimensional plane is designed. The proposed algorithm uses a genetic algorithm to generate polygons with few vertices. A new merge algorithm is presented which converts any two polygons into a simple polygon. This algorithm at first changes two polygons into a polygonal chain and then the polygonal chain is converted into a simple polygon. The process of converting a polygonal chain into a simple polygon is based on the removal of intersecting edges. The experiments results show that the proposed algorithm has the ability to generate a great number of different simple polygons and has better performance in comparison to celebrated algorithms such as space partitioning and steady growth.

Characterizations of Star-Shaped, L-Convex, and Convex Polygons

A chord of a simple polygon P is a line segment [xy] that intersects the boundary of P only at both endpoints x and y. A chord of P is called an interior chord provided the interior of [xy] lies in the interior of P. P is weakly visible from [xy] if for every point v in P there exists a point w in [xy] such that [vw] lies in P. In this paper star-shaped, L-convex, and convex polygons are characterized in terms of weak visibility properties from internal chords and starshaped subsets of P. A new Krasnoselskii-type characterization of isothetic star-shaped polygons is also presented.

Constructing a Simple Polygonalizations

We consider the methods of construction simple polygons for a set S of n points and applying them for searching the minimal area polygon. In this paper we propose the approximate algorithm, which generates the simple polygonalizations of a fixed set of points and finds the minimal area polygon, in O (n3) time and using O(n2) memory.