A Further Study on the 4-Ordered Property of Some Chordal Ring Networks

Given a graph G. A cycle of G is a sequence of vertices of G such that the first and the last vertices are the same. A hamiltonian cycle of G is a cycle containing all vertices of G. The graph G is k-ordered (resp. k-ordered hamiltonian) if for any sequence of k distinct vertices of G, there exists a cycle (resp. hamiltonian cycle) in G containing these k vertices in the specified order. Obviously, any cycle in a graph is 1-ordered, 2-ordered and 3- ordered. Thus the study of any graph being k-ordered (resp. k-ordered hamiltonian) always starts with k = 4. Most studies about this topic work on graphs with no real applications. To our knowledge, the chordal ring families were the first one utilized as the underlying topology in interconnection networks and shown to be 4-ordered. Furthermore, based on our computer experimental results, it was conjectured that some of them are 4-ordered hamiltonian. In this paper, we intend to give some possible directions in proving the conjecture.

Mutually Independent Hamiltonian Cycles of Cn x Cn

In a graph G, a cycle is Hamiltonian cycle if it contain all vertices of G. Two Hamiltonian cycles C_1 = 〈u_0, u_1, u_2, ..., u_{n−1}, u_0〉 and C_2 = 〈v_0, v_1, v_2, ..., v_{n−1}, v_0〉 in G are independent if u_0 = v_0, u_i = ̸ v_i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n−1. In G, a set of Hamiltonian cycles C = {C_1, C_2, ..., C_k} is mutually independent if any two Hamiltonian cycles of C are independent. The mutually independent Hamiltonicity IHC(G), = k means there exist a maximum integer k such that there exists k-mutually independent Hamiltonian cycles start from any vertex of G. In this paper, we prove that IHC(C_n × C_n) = 4, for n ≥ 3.

A Sufficient Condition for Graphs to Have Hamiltonian [a, b]-Factors

Let a and b be nonnegative integers with 2 ≤ a < b, and let G be a Hamiltonian graph of order n with n ≥ (a+b−4)(a+b−2) b−2 . An [a, b]-factor F of G is called a Hamiltonian [a, b]-factor if F contains a Hamiltonian cycle. In this paper, it is proved that G has a Hamiltonian [a, b]-factor if |NG(X)| > (a−1)n+|X|−1 a+b−3 for every nonempty independent subset X of V (G) and δ(G) > (a−1)n+a+b−4 a+b−3 .

A Hamiltonian Decomposition of 5-star

Star graphs are Cayley graphs of symmetric groups of permutations, with transpositions as the generating sets. A star graph is a preferred interconnection network topology to a hypercube for its ability to connect a greater number of nodes with lower degree. However, an attractive property of the hypercube is that it has a Hamiltonian decomposition, i.e. its edges can be partitioned into disjoint Hamiltonian cycles, and therefore a simple routing can be found in the case of an edge failure. The existence of Hamiltonian cycles in Cayley graphs has been known for some time. So far, there are no published results on the much stronger condition of the existence of Hamiltonian decompositions. In this paper, we give a construction of a Hamiltonian decomposition of the star graph 5-star of degree 4, by defining an automorphism for 5-star and a Hamiltonian cycle which is edge-disjoint with its image under the automorphism.

A Systematic Approach for Finding Hamiltonian Cycles with a Prescribed Edge in Crossed Cubes

The crossed cube is one of the most notable variations of hypercube, but some properties of the former are superior to those of the latter. For example, the diameter of the crossed cube is almost the half of that of the hypercube. In this paper, we focus on the problem embedding a Hamiltonian cycle through an arbitrary given edge in the crossed cube. We give necessary and sufficient condition for determining whether a given permutation with n elements over Zn generates a Hamiltonian cycle pattern of the crossed cube. Moreover, we obtain a lower bound for the number of different Hamiltonian cycles passing through a given edge in an n-dimensional crossed cube. Our work extends some recently obtained results.

The Panpositionable Hamiltonicity of k-ary n-cubes

The hypercube Qn is one of the most well-known and popular interconnection networks and the k-ary n-cube Qk n is an enlarged family from Qn that keeps many pleasing properties from hypercubes. In this article, we study the panpositionable hamiltonicity of Qk n for k ≥ 3 and n ≥ 2. Let x, y of V (Qk n) be two arbitrary vertices and C be a hamiltonian cycle of Qk n. We use dC(x, y) to denote the distance between x and y on the hamiltonian cycle C. Define l as an integer satisfying d(x, y) ≤ l ≤ 1 2 |V (Qk n)|. We prove the followings: • When k = 3 and n ≥ 2, there exists a hamiltonian cycle C of Qk n such that dC(x, y) = l. • When k ≥ 5 is odd and n ≥ 2, we request that l /∈ S where S is a set of specific integers. Then there exists a hamiltonian cycle C of Qk n such that dC(x, y) = l. • When k ≥ 4 is even and n ≥ 2, we request l-d(x, y) to be even. Then there exists a hamiltonian cycle C of Qk n such that dC(x, y) = l. The result is optimal since the restrictions on l is due to the structure of Qk n by definition.

An Improved Construction Method for MIHCs on Cycle Composition Networks

Many well-known interconnection networks, such as kary n-cubes, recursive circulant graphs, generalized recursive circulant graphs, circulant graphs and so on, are shown to belong to the family of cycle composition networks. Recently, various studies about mutually independent hamiltonian cycles, abbreviated as MIHC-s, on interconnection networks are published. In this paper, using an improved construction method, we obtain MIHC-s on cycle composition networks with a much weaker condition than the known result. In fact, we established the existence of MIHC-s in the cycle composition networks and the result is optimal in the sense that the number of MIHC-s we constructed is maximal.

The Balanced Hamiltonian Cycle on the Toroidal Mesh Graphs

The balanced Hamiltonian cycle problemis a quiet new topic of graph theorem. Given a graph G = (V, E), whose edge set can be partitioned into k dimensions, for positive integer k and a Hamiltonian cycle C on G. The set of all i-dimensional edge of C, which is a subset by E(C), is denoted as Ei(C).