A Study on Intuitionistic Fuzzy h-ideal in Γ-Hemirings

The notions of intuitionistic fuzzy h-ideal and normal intuitionistic fuzzy h-ideal in Γ-hemiring are introduced and some of the basic properties of these ideals are investigated. Cartesian product of intuitionistic fuzzy h-ideals is also defined. Finally a characterization of intuitionistic fuzzy h-ideals in terms of fuzzy relations is obtained.

The Balanced Hamiltonian Cycle on the Toroidal Mesh Graphs

The balanced Hamiltonian cycle problemis a quiet new topic of graph theorem. Given a graph G = (V, E), whose edge set can be partitioned into k dimensions, for positive integer k and a Hamiltonian cycle C on G. The set of all i-dimensional edge of C, which is a subset by E(C), is denoted as Ei(C).