Interactive Planning of Suburban Apartment Buildings

Construction in Finland is focusing increasingly on
renovation instead of conventional new construction, and this trend
will continue to grow in the coming years and decades. Renovation of
the large number of suburban residential apartment buildings built in
the 1960s and 1970s poses a particular challenge. However,
renovation projects are demanding for the residents of these
buildings, since they usually are uninitiated in construction issues. On
the other hand, renovation projects generally apply the operating
models of new construction.
Nevertheless, the residents of an existing residential apartment
building are some of the best experts on the site. Thus, in this
research project we applied a relational model in developing and
testing at case sites a planning process that employs interactive
planning methods. Current residents, housing company managers, the
city zoning manager, the contractor’s and prefab element supplier’s
representatives, professional designers and researchers all took part in
the planning. The entire interactive planning process progressed
phase by phase as the participants’ and designers’ concerted
discussion and ideation process, so that the end result was a
renovation plan desired by the residents.

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