Online Pose Estimation and Tracking Approach with Siamese Region Proposal Network

Human pose estimation and tracking are to accurately identify and locate the positions of human joints in the video. It is a computer vision task which is of great significance for human motion recognition, behavior understanding and scene analysis. There has been remarkable progress on human pose estimation in recent years. However, more researches are needed for human pose tracking especially for online tracking. In this paper, a framework, called PoseSRPN, is proposed for online single-person pose estimation and tracking. We use Siamese network attaching a pose estimation branch to incorporate Single-person Pose Tracking (SPT) and Visual Object Tracking (VOT) into one framework. The pose estimation branch has a simple network structure that replaces the complex upsampling and convolution network structure with deconvolution. By augmenting the loss of fully convolutional Siamese network with the pose estimation task, pose estimation and tracking can be trained in one stage. Once trained, PoseSRPN only relies on a single bounding box initialization and producing human joints location. The experimental results show that while maintaining the good accuracy of pose estimation on COCO and PoseTrack datasets, the proposed method achieves a speed of 59 frame/s, which is superior to other pose tracking frameworks.

Zero Divisor Graph of a Poset with Respect to Primal Ideals

In this paper, we extend the concepts of primal and weakly primal ideals for posets. Further, the diameter of the zero divisor graph of a poset with respect to a non-primal ideal is determined. The relation between primary and primal ideals in posets is also studied.

Structure of Covering-based Rough Sets

Rough set theory is a very effective tool to deal with granularity and vagueness in information systems. Covering-based rough set theory is an extension of classical rough set theory. In this paper, firstly we present the characteristics of the reducible element and the minimal description covering-based rough sets through downsets. Then we establish lattices and topological spaces in coveringbased rough sets through down-sets and up-sets. In this way, one can investigate covering-based rough sets from algebraic and topological points of view.