Automatic Musical Genre Classification Using Divergence and Average Information Measures

Recently many research has been conducted to retrieve pertinent parameters and adequate models for automatic music genre classification. In this paper, two measures based upon information theory concepts are investigated for mapping the features space to decision space. A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is used as a baseline and reference system. Various strategies are proposed for training and testing sessions with matched or mismatched conditions, long training and long testing, long training and short testing. For all experiments, the file sections used for testing are never been used during training. With matched conditions all examined measures yield the best and similar scores (almost 100%). With mismatched conditions, the proposed measures yield better scores than the GMM baseline system, especially for the short testing case. It is also observed that the average discrimination information measure is most appropriate for music category classifications and on the other hand the divergence measure is more suitable for music subcategory classifications.

Bio-inspired Audio Content-Based Retrieval Framework (B-ACRF)

Content-based music retrieval generally involves analyzing, searching and retrieving music based on low or high level features of a song which normally used to represent artists, songs or music genre. Identifying them would normally involve feature extraction and classification tasks. Theoretically the greater features analyzed, the better the classification accuracy can be achieved but with longer execution time. Technique to select significant features is important as it will reduce dimensions of feature used in classification and contributes to the accuracy. Artificial Immune System (AIS) approach will be investigated and applied in the classification task. Bio-inspired audio content-based retrieval framework (B-ACRF) is proposed at the end of this paper where it embraces issues that need further consideration in music retrieval performances.