Absence of Leave and Job Morality in the ICU

Leave of absence is important in maintaining a good status of human resource quality. Allowing the employees temporarily free from the routine assignments can vitalize the workers- morality and productivity. This is particularly critical to secure a satisfactory service quality for healthcare professionals of which were typically featured with labor intensive and complicated works to perform. As one of the veteran hospitals that were found and operated by the Veteran Department of Taiwan, the nursing staff of the case hospital was squeezed to an extreme minimum level under the pressure of a tight budgeting. Leave of absence on schedule became extremely difficult, especially for the intensive care units (ICU), in which required close monitoring over the cared patients, and that had more easily driven the ICU nurses nervous. Even worse, the deferred leaves were more than 10 days at any time in the ICU because of a fluctuating occupancy. As a result, these had brought a bad setback to this particular nursing team, and consequently defeated the job performance and service quality. To solve this problem and accordingly to strengthen their morality, a project team was organized across different departments specific for this. Sufficient information regarding jobs and positions requirements, labor resources, and actual working hours in detail were collected and analyzed in the team meetings. Several alternatives were finalized. These included job rotating, job combination, leave on impromptu and cross-departmental redeployment. Consequently, the deferred leave days sharply reduced 70% to a level of 3 or less days. This improvement had not only provided good shelter for the ICU nurses that improved their job performance and patient safety but also encouraged the nurses active participating of a project and learned the skills of solving problems with colleagues.