On the Strong Solutions of the Nonlinear Viscous Rotating Stratified Fluid

A nonlinear model of the mathematical fluid dynamics which describes the motion of an incompressible viscous rotating fluid in a homogeneous gravitational field is considered. The model is a generalization of the known Navier-Stokes system with the addition of the Coriolis parameter and the equations for changeable density. An explicit algorithm for the solution is constructed, and the proof of the existence and uniqueness theorems for the strong solution of the nonlinear problem is given. For the linear case, the localization and the structure of the spectrum of inner waves are also investigated.

Nonstational Dual Wavelet Frames in Sobolev Spaces

In view of the good properties of nonstationary wavelet frames and the better flexibility of wavelets in Sobolev spaces, the nonstationary dual wavelet frames in a pair of dual Sobolev spaces are studied in this paper. We mainly give the oblique extension principle and the mixed extension principle for nonstationary dual wavelet frames in a pair of dual Sobolev spaces Hs(Rd) and H-s(Rd).

Solving of the Fourth Order Differential Equations with the Neumann Problem

In this paper we considered the Neumann problem for the fourth order differential equation. First we define the weighted Sobolev space 2 Wα and generalized solution for this equation. Then we consider the existence and uniqueness of the generalized solution, as well as give the description of the spectrum and of the domain of definition of the corresponding operator.